Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Roadblocks to Retirement (And How to Clear Them)

Looking forward to the day when you can stop working and start living the easy life? If you're not careful with your money, that day may never come.

35 Resources for Female Entrepreneurs

Starting a business can be daunting, but from nitty-gritty legal advice to inspiration from successful business owners, these resources can help.

Fitness Resolutions: How Much Will Your New Exercise Routine Cost?

If you're like many Americans, you made a resolution to get fit this year. Here's how much it'll cost with some popular workouts.

Using Time Horizons to Make Smarter Investments

A time horizon is the length of time you can leave money in an investment before you need it. Apply this concept to improve your financial health, now and later.

Getting Rid of Acne

This is not a complete list of ways to fix problem zits, but rather a few tips that I've picked up along my acne journey that surprised me.

Don't Despair Over Small Retirement Savings

If you quit checking your 401(k) balance last year, because the market crash made it too depressing, now might be a good time to take a fresh look. It'll still be well down from t

5 Reasons Being a Millionaire Is Overrated

Being a millionaire sounds pretty great. Is it really?

10 Things Besides Salary to Negotiate at Work

Everything's negotiable. Find what else you should be asking for from your boss.

8 Ways to Get Your Morning Coffee for Free

That daily cup of joe adds up! Save your money and score your caffeine fix for free.

4 Important Ways College Students Should Use Credit Cards

These are powerful ways students can use credit cards for their benefit while still avoiding debt.

Best Money Tips: Small Habits That Steal Your Happiness

Today we found articles on small habits that steal your happiness, tips for saving money on groceries, and ways to get cheap or free vet care for your pet.

8 Affordable Amusement Parks That Are Just as Fun As Disney

You don't have to shell out hundreds of dollars to Mickey Mouse in order to have a great vacation.

The 6 Qualities All DIYers Have — Do You?

It takes a special kind of person to subscribe to the DIY lifestyle. How many of these quirks of the maker class do you possess?

5 Reasons July Is a Great Month for Stocks

July is usually a banner month for the stock market. In between sand castles and sunbathing, here's why you should do some investing!

9 Money Lessons to Take From the Great Depression

The Depression was a dark time in America's history, but it did yield some incredible tips for surviving on a budget and saving money.

9 Signs You're Suffering From Lifestyle Inflation

Keeping up with the Joneses is not the only sign of creeping lifestyle inflation. How many of these signs of profligacy do you recognize?

6 Ways You Can Cut Costs Right Before You Retire

With retirement right around the corner, it's more important than ever to start cutting your daily living costs. You'll thank yourself later.

7 Worst Reasons NOT to Buy a House

If you're avoiding homeownership, make sure it's not for one of these not-so-great reasons.

6 Personal Finance Rules to Live By in Your 40s

Make your 40s all about securing financial stability. These personal finance rules can help you get there.

8 Hotel and Car Rental Tips for Business Travelers

It pays to be judicious about how you spend your money on business trips. Here are some hotel and car rental tips that will keep your team happy.