Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 6 Best Vacation Deal Websites

You need a getaway, but don't pack your bags just yet. You can save big on everything if you know where to shop for it online.

Borrowing to Invest: Helpful or Hurtful?

Can debt possibly be a good thing? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. But carrying debt that enables you to earn money is a concept called Leveraging, and can be v

6 Dumb Things Employment Recruiters See People Do

This former employment recruiter saw job applicants make a lot of stupid mistakes. Here's what to avoid if you want to get hired.

Is Peer Pressure Keeping You Poor?

Many struggle with large credit card balances instead of saying to others, "I can't afford that," but recognizing financial limits is one key to financial freedom.

How to Handle Credit Card Debt When You're Unemployed

Credit card debt while unemployed feels like insult added to injury. But you can pull through: Here's how.

6 Reasons Why Used Is Better

Buying used isn't just about finding antiques or quirky vintage clothes. From cost to quality, discover why buying used is often smarter than buying new.

8 Ways to Actually Relax Over the Holidays

Is holiday stress season is here again? This year, resolve to take it easy despite your overflowing calendar.

6 Things to Do on Your First Day at a New Job

Your resume worked, you wowed 'em at the interview, and today's the day. Continue the run by mastering these secrets of first day on the job success.

Relax... It's Only $2

Feeling stressed out, my first instinct is to schedule a one hour massage and order take out from the Chinese place. After doing t

Business Advice from a Billionaire

Someone who showed me unprecedented, unexpected kindness in a brief, but efficient, meeting years ago is now one of the world's richest people, according to Forbes magazine. You

How to Support Your Broke Parents

Your parents have always been there for you — but now they're the ones in a tough spot. Don't panic. Here's how you can help.

The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Tipping

How much should you tip your service providers during the holiday season? Wonder no more.

Life Without a Microwave

Life without a microwave might seem prehistoric, but it's easy. Learn how you can depend less on nuking your food and avoid another cumbersome kitchen appliance.

5 Ways to Snag Budget-Friendly Business Clothes

Buying new business clothes can seriously dent your budget, especially if you're unemployed. But you don't have to go into debt to dress for success.

5 of the Safest Countries to Visit in 2018

Who needs stress about and worry about safety on vacation? These five international destinations offer plenty of adventure -- minus the risk.

What to Do If You're Hit With a Huge Medical Bill

If you're facing a large stack of medical bills with nowhere to turn, take a deep breath and fear not. You can pay off your medical debt without going broke.

5 Ways to Make Money With Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon's Mechanical Turk is a service that allows people to hire several workers for tasks small and large. Discover how you can use the service to make extra money.

11 Smart Ways to Get Some Sleep at the Airport

Airport hotels can be expensive. Here's how to take a serious snooze between flights.

8 Things I Learned About Money After Getting Married

For better or worse, marriage means learning how to manage money with a partner.

How to Look Rich Without Having Much Money

The rich are different — they have more money. Here's how to fake it until you have more money, too.