Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Budget Items You May be Forgetting

Unexpected expenses are the worst. Get one step ahead by staying prepared for these sneaky budget busters and keep saving more.

The 5 Best Conditioners

Keeping your hair soft and silky isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these conditioners and your coif will always look gorgeous.

9 Signs You Need to Fire Your Financial Planner

A good financial planner will guide you, step by step, through all your money goals. A bad one should be kicked to the curb.

7 Unnecessary Household Expenses You Can Cut Today

If your family doesn't examine these 7 common household expenses, you are wasting way too much money.

10 Ways You Disrespect Your Money

Look after your money and it'll look after you. Mistreat it, and it'll do the same to you.

5 Ways to Pay Off Your Student Debt Faster

If you're one of the 40 million Americans with student loan debt, you can save more in the long run by getting smart about saving, spending, and earning.

9 Silly Reasons People Don't Invest (But Should)

People come up with the silliest reasons not to get started investing. Drop these excuses and get started investing!

How to Make an Easter Basket for a Grown Man

This year, play Peter Cottontail and surprise your guy with an incredible basket filled with his favorite things.

How to Buy a New Computer Without Breaking Your Budget

Yes, you can buy a new computer without destroying your budget.

5 Exotic Yoga Retreats Anyone Can Afford

Limber up for a relaxing vacation at one of these exotic yoga retreats.

16 Must-Haves to Pack for Your Next Cruise

Before you step foot on the gangplank, check your pockets and luggage for these essentials. You're gonna need 'em!

5 Things to Avoid Before You File Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is trying enough already. Don't make it worse by making one of these mistakes.

Ask the Readers: What Are Some Good Things That Happened to You in 2019?

Tell us about about the good things that happened to you in 2019 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Things Tax Preparers Should Tell You

Knowing the right questions to ask can help you get better advice and bigger refunds.

Living a Life of Weisure?

Blurring the lines between our personal and professional lives has its pros and cons.

8 Ways Everybody Saves During Back-to-School

Back-to-school deals aren't just for students! These seasonal sales can mean big savings for you, too.

I’ve Lived Both Sides of the Healthcare System. This Is What I've Learned.

This debate has been furiously argued on both sides for several months, so I thought I’d throw my hat in the ring. I lived with the British National Health Service (NHS) until I wa

10 Surprising, Non-Physical Benefits of Exercise

You know exercise is good for physical fitness, but it's good for so much else. Get moving and start reaping the benefits!

5 Money Making Activities You Can Do Today

With these money making ideas, you just might be able to live comfortably ever after!

Pet Peeves Part 3: Vet Visits

My animals are a pricey bunch. Cute, and sweet, but medically challenged. [more]