Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What You Need to Know About Your FSA

As with many provisions in healthcare, you may not be up-to-date on all of the finer points of an FSA. Even if you are, it never hurts to brush up on the basics.

Best Money Tips: 20+ Ways to Get Paid for Watching TV

Today we found articles on ways to get paid to watch TV, small financial changes that have a big impact, and facts about Social Security benefits that Baby Boomers should know.

Best Online Sites for Building Wealth

No need to shell out for a financial planner or risk going it alone. The Internet has all the tools you need to build your own wealth.

Best Money Tips: Homes Are So Cheap Here, You Barely Need to Work

Today we found articles on states where homes are so cheap you barely need to work, money-saving home maintenance, and caring for your mental health at work. Where Cheap is Chic is a free service that helps consumers find the best of the cheapest items, weeding out cheap junk in favor of quality inexpensive items. Just because it is cheap, doe

Ask the Readers: Are Rebates Worth It? (Your Chance to win $10!)

Do you rebate? Are you smart about it? Do you buy stuff you don't even want or need so that you can eventually recoup all your money? Or do you avoid the practice altogether. We

How to Find and Book the Best Vacation Rentals

Finding a quality vacation rental is trickier than it looks. Follow these rules to find both the right place at the right price.

The 5 Best Instant Cameras

Keeping track of your pet's adventures isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these pet cameras and you'll get a peek into their world.

6 Top iPhone Apps for Voracious Readers

These 6 super apps will help you read more on the go, get more from the text you do read, and make each juicy word more enriching.

Dads Who Do Dishes Raise Ambitious Daughters (and 4 Other Ways Any Parent Can Help Their Kid Succeed)

A recent study found that daughters of fathers who help with household chores are more ambitious. Try more ways to encourage children to aim high.

How to Remember That Thing You Always Forget

You just know you've forgotten something, but you never remember what until you're far from home. Defeat forgetfulness with these strategies.

The 10 Things You Need to Do If You Want to Quit Your Job

Americans today change jobs about every five years, and the right way to jump ship is an important career skill. Here's how to make your next move.

10 Things You Don't Actually Need to Buy for Your New Baby (Plus 5 You Must)

It's tempting to fill up a baby registry with all sorts of newborn gear. Resist the urge and focus on stuff you'll really use.

4 Questions to Ask Before Leaving Your House to Your Kids

A home sounds like a wonderful gift for your adult children. But before you hand over the keys, there are a few things to consider.

Best Money Tips: How to Drive More Efficiently

Today we found some great articles on ways to drive more efficiently, how to follow up without being pushy, and why positive thinking sucks.

8 Ways Your Customer Service Job Can Help You Win at Life

Next time you're feeling fed up with your service industry gig, just remember — it's making you a better person.

How To Create A Professional Online Image At Low To No Cost

The KISS rule (Keep It Simple, Stupid) worked in high school math and it works in online branding, too.

6 Money Moves to Make for Tomorrow's Mortgage

A home is one of life's biggest purchases. Long before you're ready to buy, prepare for the big step by making these smart money moves.

Frugal is More than a Way to Spend Money, Part 1

Putting your mind over money is the key to living frugally. See the big picture to see big savings.

8 Reasons Why Your Retirement Cost Calculations May Be Wrong

How are you calculating your retirement savings? Consider some often overlooked expenses — and savings — the next time you add it up.