Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Why Cruises Are the Best Option for a Cheap Family Vacation

Looking to book a family getaway that won't break the budget? Search no more and head to the high seas!

How to Get Rid of Your Credit Card's Annual Fee

Paying an annual fee on your credit card is a pain. Luckily, there might be a way to avoid paying this fee altogether.

10 Ways You're Being a Terrible Neighbor

Unless you enjoy being a terrible neighbor, maybe keep the sloppy parking and late night fireworks to a minimum.

The Surprising Truth of Investing: Mediocre Advice Is Best

While you might wish for superior investing advice, it turns out mediocre advice is really all you need.

Best Money Tips: Investing Rules You Should Know By Heart

Today we found articles on investing rules you should know by heart, the best fad diets that actually work, and smart things to do with your tax refund.

4 Reasons Why a Roth IRA May be Better Than Your 401(k)

Which is better, a Roth IRA or 401(k)? A mix of both may be your best option - here's why.

What Really Happens When You Don't Pay Your Student Loans

Student loans can be a heavy financial burden even in the best of times. If you don't pay them, things will only get worse.

The 5 Things With the Biggest Impact on Your Credit Score

Perplexed by those three little numbers? Here's the breakdown of what exactly makes up your FICO score.

Ask the Readers: Is Now the Time to Shop?

Are you thinking that maybe, this year is a "special" year? Do you think it may be wise to buy as soon as possible, instead of waiting out the pending Black Friday tradition and t

10 Affordable Alternatives to the Grocery Store

If you're tired of the time and effort it takes to hit the grocery store, take a look around. There are plenty of other places to get your weekly groceries.

How to Safely Test Makeup Before You Buy

Testing out makeup before making a purchase is a great way to save money, but the store samples can harbor a plethora of harmful germs. Here's how to do it safely.

5 Reasons You Definitely Need Renters' Insurance

Yes, renters, you totally need to insure your stuff — and yourself — from mishaps big and small. Don't economize here!

How Debt Fools People

People who have a natural aversion to debt often wonder how some people get themselves into such terrible problems with debt. Don't they know how much it costs? Don't they understa

9 Cities You Never Knew Went Bankrupt

We all know the plight of Detroit, but the Motor City isn't the only American city to go BK. You might be surprised by these other bankrupt 'burgs.

Why It Pays to Be a Patient Shopper

When you want something, you want it now! But buying the first acceptable option that fits your budget could be costing you big bucks.

16 Best Mobile Shopping Apps For Your Phone

If you're a savvy shopper with a smart phone, you're in luck. Instead of running from store to store comparing prices, you can do so right from your phone.

5 Websites for Swapping Your Clothes and Refreshing Your Wardrobe

Clothing swaps parties have become popular in recent years as frugal and fashion conscious men and women find that trading clothes is a great way to update a wardrobe for next to n

The 5 Best AAA Batteries

Got a lot of electronics that run on AAA batteries? Our top 5 picks will give you long-lasting power for your gadgets without breaking the bank.

5 Smart Money Moves Your Kids Can Make Over Summer Vacation

Summer vacation is here! Between the ice pops and video games, there are some great opportunities to teach your young ones about money, too.

Ask the Readers: What Do You Love Most About Your Job?

Tell us what you like most about your job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!