Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The Financial Basics Every New Grad Should Know

Congrats, grad! You undoubtedly learned a lot in your college career, but now it's time to learn these personal finance basics.

5 Job Hunting Roadblocks Millennials Must Overcome

If you're a millennial looking for work, get ready to face a tougher path to success than the generation before you. And if you're a Boomer or an Xer hiring -- lighten up already!

Where to Invest Your Money After You've Maxed Out Your Retirement Account

You've done an unbelievable job of saving for retirement. Does this mean you're done stashing money away? Not quite.

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

The 5 Best Washing Machines

Whether you're looking for an old timey top-loader or a modern front loader, picking the right washer out of hundreds of choices isn't easy. We've narrowed it down to five.

5 Homebuying Questions You're Embarrassed to Ask

New homeownership comes with more new terms and phrases than one can keep up with. Don't be embarrassed to ask these questions!

How to Get Over These 5 Scary Things About Investing

If fear is holding you back from investing, screw your courage to the sticking place! Stop letting fear make your money decisions for you.

10 Smartphone Apps That Can Help You in an Emergency

When you're in a dire situation, an app on your phone might be the thing to save you.

12 Instant Pot Recipes That Will Save You Money

The Instant Pot just may be your perfect solution to easy, multi-purpose meal-making on the cheap.

13 Ways to Get Free Travel Accommodations

The biggest chunk of your travel budget is where you'll lay your head at night. Cut those costs with these clever ways to stay for free!

7 Reasons You Need to Downsize

If your house is eating up too much of your time, energy, and cash, it may be time to find smaller digs.

8 Questions to Ask Before Buying Any Stock

Before you dive headfirst into owning a stock, do some digging on exactly where you're investing your dollars.

Here's What You Need to Know About 529 ABLE Accounts

If you're the parent of a special-needs child, the 529 ABLE account can be a valuable resource in helping your child thrive.

The Three F Rule Can Lead You to Happiness

In advertising, my chosen career, there is an unwritten rule for working with clients that makes everyone’s lives just a little better. It’s the three F rule. But when I explained

24 Ways to Have a Blast This Weekend While Spending $0

Weekends are the best part of the week, but usually they cost money. Make this weekend a no spender with one or more of these fun, free activities.

11 Ways to Make Living With Roommates Tolerable

Living with roommates isn't always easy, but here's how to make it somewhat tolerable.

8 Ways to Deal When You Work With Someone You Hate

Every place you have ever worked will have that one person you cannot stand. How do you deal with them without losing your sanity? Here's how.

Ask the Readers: How Often Do You Cook At Home?

Tell us how often you cook at home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Where to Take Your Batteries, CFL Bulbs, and Other Hard-to-Recycle Stuff

Have a junk drawer filled with loose batteries? We all do. Here's how to get rid of those — and a lot else — the right way.

The 7 Best Credit Card Debt Elimination Strategies

You want out of credit card debt, and you want out fast. You have several options — which will work for you?