When the going gets tough, the tough accumulate huge piles of cash. Great. But what do you do with it once you've piled it all up. There are lots of options out there, but which on
Something of an exaggeration, of course—a one-person household can be very frugal. But there's an underlying truth: A household is only as frugal as its least-frugal member.
Have you ever wondered what the phrase “medical tourism” really meant? Are you looking for ways to cut back on healthcare costs (both at home and abroad)? We chat candidly with A
Charitable giving can be tough on a tight holiday budget. Allow yourself to give in to the holiday spirit with these low-cost, high-impact charity options.
I’m all for living a cleaner, more sustainable lifestyle, but at what cost? If it takes an unusually large amount of money or a time commitment that I just can’t make, you can mos
Today we found articles on the secrets to surviving an international flight, back-to-school sales that everyone can enjoy, and quick and easy ways to lower your blood pressure.
Today we found some awesome articles on free or cheap ways to celebrate the holidays, what Nelson Mandela can teach you about finances, and giving during the Christmas season.
I got an email from President Obama yesterday. Did you? The email was from a whitehouse.gov address, not democrats.org or another political site. So, if you were one of the 13 mi
Wise Bread articles that are hot today.
5 Best Amazon Deals for Thursday 10/17
Today's deals include Scary Pumpkin Face T-Shirt $10, 40% off Halloween hats and headwear, 65% off Scotch Thermal Laminator, and more!
Save Hundreds by Getting Yourself Out of Hot Water
Saving hot water can be easy — and even help you lose weight — with just a few habit changes.
Flashback Friday: 41 Coffee Hacks That Will Instantly Improve Your Morning
Make your hectic mornings brighter by making better coffee, or getting it for a better price.
Cash Is King: Now What Should I Do With It?
When the going gets tough, the tough accumulate huge piles of cash. Great. But what do you do with it once you've piled it all up. There are lots of options out there, but which on
It takes a frugal spouse to make a frugal home
Something of an exaggeration, of course—a one-person household can be very frugal. But there's an underlying truth: A household is only as frugal as its least-frugal member.
Medical Tourism 101: Listen Live for Big Savings
Have you ever wondered what the phrase “medical tourism” really meant? Are you looking for ways to cut back on healthcare costs (both at home and abroad)? We chat candidly with A
Best Money Tips: Surprising Things You Can Negotiate
Today we found some awesome articles on surprising things you can negotiate, thrifty Thanksgiving side dishes, and maximizing your investment return.
15 Ways to Give to Charity That Fit a Holiday Budget
Charitable giving can be tough on a tight holiday budget. Allow yourself to give in to the holiday spirit with these low-cost, high-impact charity options.
Using Money to Track Swine Flu
It turns out that the flow of money may hold some insight into the spread of swine flu.
The Lazy Environmentalist Teaches Us to Be Green (with little to no effort)
I’m all for living a cleaner, more sustainable lifestyle, but at what cost? If it takes an unusually large amount of money or a time commitment that I just can’t make, you can mos
Best Money Tips: How to Survive an International Flight
Today we found articles on the secrets to surviving an international flight, back-to-school sales that everyone can enjoy, and quick and easy ways to lower your blood pressure.
Best Money Tips: Cheap Ways to Celebrate the Holiday Season
Today we found some awesome articles on free or cheap ways to celebrate the holidays, what Nelson Mandela can teach you about finances, and giving during the Christmas season.
How to Stop Chronic Procrastination
Twenty percent of the population ALWAYS puts things off. The good news if you're a chronic procrastinator? There are ways to fix it.
Best Money Tips: Tips for End of Year Tax Planning
Today we found some fantastic articles on tips for end of year tax planning, ways to reduce risk in 2014, and the basic principles for growing wealth.
5 Best Amazon Deals for Monday 12/30
Today's deals include Kindle Books $0.99, Canon PowerShot Digital Cameras $100, 55% off Hamilton Beach 12-Cup Drip Coffeemaker, and more!
How to Support Your Broke Parents
Your parents have always been there for you — but now they're the ones in a tough spot. Don't panic. Here's how you can help.
Best Money Tips: Avoid These Online Shopping Mistakes
Today we found articles on online shopping mistakes to avoid, the secrets behind a tidy home, and bobby pin hacks that will change your life.
The 5 Best Hydrating Shampoos
Keeping your moisturized isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these hydrating shampoos and your hair will remain damage-free.
How to Get Emails from the President
I got an email from President Obama yesterday. Did you? The email was from a whitehouse.gov address, not democrats.org or another political site. So, if you were one of the 13 mi
5 Ways to Save Time and Money on Your Lawn
U.S. lawn care services is a $12 billion annual industry. Why not reduce the size of your lawn and save money, time and the environment too?