Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: 5 Kinds of Bank Accounts That Everybody Needs

Today we found articles on bank accounts that everyone needs, important employee rights that teens should know, and how to create a calming evening routine.

14 Awesome Credit Card Perks You Didn't Know About

Make sure you read the fine print on your credit card member agreement. You may be getting more than you bargained for — in a good way.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Get Rid of Your Unwanted Stuff?

Tell us how you get rid of your unwanted stuff and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

21 Things You Should Make Your Kids Pay For

Instead of buying that shiny new toy for your kiddoes, maybe they should pay for it.

Walmart vs. Sam's Club: Who Actually Has the Better Deals?

Walmart may be rolling back prices, but certain items are cheaper at Sam's Club. Here's where to get the best deals on stuff you probably buy.

5 Questions to Ask Before Sending Your Child to Private School

Not sure if private school is right for your child? Get the answers to these questions before you decide.

11 Things You Can't Hide When Selling Your Home

Before you sell your home, make sure you know what you have to tell the new owners.

7 Retirement Planning Steps Late Starters Must Make

Americans are not very good at saving for retirement. If retirement is looming your horizon, start doing a better job of preparing.

6 Easy Ways to Protect Your Debit Card From Skimmers

Swiping without a second thought is an easy way to fall victim to debit card skimmers.

9 Must-Have Items You Need to Create the Perfect Remote Office

Working from anywhere in the world is a freelancer's dream, but in order to make it a reality, you need the right office items.

Highest Paying Jobs for People Who Love Kids

Working with kids requires a big heart and a lot of patience. But it doesn't necessarily require a small paycheck.

How to Prepare When Your Unemployment Is Ending

Unemployment benefits can be a lifeline, but you need to prepare for when that lifeline ends.

6 Ways to Stay Focused in an Open Office

Is your open office driving you crazy? You're not the only one. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stay focused.

4 Easy Steps to Buying Lingerie for Your Wife, Girlfriend, or Significant Other

The first time my mother took me to a lingerie store, I felt like I was on the inside of an exploding confetti factory. There were so many colors and sizes and shapes and textures,

Is Bitcoin Still a Thing?

Bitcoin hit its highest valuation in 2013, and is less than half that today. Is there a future for the volatile cryptocurrency?

11 Fun Games That Make You Smarter, Too

Sure, games are fun, but they can also make us smarter, teach us about money, and stave off dementia. Try these brain building pastimes.

The Man Behind the Bargains - An Interview with Ben Chui - Founder of

Ben's Bargains is one of the oldest deal and coupon sites on the internet. The man behind this awesome frugal shopping destination is Ben

Everything You Need to Know About Flood Insurance

When it rains, it pours — and when it does, that flood insurance you've hated paying for will seem like a pretty smart investment.

Ask the Readers: What New Thing Do You Want to Try This Year?

Tell us what new thing you want to try this year and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

11 Easy Ways to Fix Your Whole Life This Summer

Rather than focusing on getting your body "bikini-ready," make a few easy lifestyle changes and live your best life.