Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Ways to Increase Your Credit Score Quickly

Don't let a low credit score hold you back. You can get it on the upswing — faster than you might think.

This One Ratio Is the Key to a Good Credit Score

Understanding this key credit scoring ratio may be the secret to unlocking a higher credit score. The math is simple, and so is the strategy.

5 Things to Never Keep in Your Wallet

Losing your wallet can cost you a lot more than your cash...especially if you keep these five things in it. Learn what to remove to protect yourself.

5 Ways Self Care Can Actually Save You Money

Self care is never selfish; it's survival. And it can save you money, too!

8 Free Things You Can Do on Any Vacation

What can you do to entertain the family on vacation without breaking the bank? Quite a lot, actually.

Skills That Can Save You Money Part 1: Parallel Parking

See why something as basic (well, to some) as parallel parking can be a ticket to big savings.

10 Most Breathtaking Day Hikes in the U.S.

Make sure your travel bucket list includes these thrilling and majestic hiking spots across the U.S.

6 Apps That Help You Save on Prescriptions

Need help affording your medications? These six apps can help you save money.

How to Set Career Goals When You Lack Direction

If you're lost on the career path, have no fear; you can still set goals without knowing where you're going.

Do You Have These Key Character Traits for Investing Success?

Being a successful investor isn't just about money management — it also comes down to personality.

Failed Frugality: 5 Clues You’ve Gone Too Far

For most people, frugality is a lifestyle choice born out of necessity. A lost job, increase in expenses, or a battle with debt has forced them to take extreme measures to balance

Ask the Readers: Where Do You Prefer to Work Out?

Tell us where you prefer to work out and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Steps to Getting a Free (or Close to Free) Vacation in 9 Months or Less with Credit Cards

Here is a step by step plan to earn enough credit card rewards for a free vacation in 9 months or less.

How to Pay Off Holiday Debt: A Step-by-Step Guide

Did Christmas leave you in the red? Don't worry, this step-by-step guide will help you climb out of that hole.

5 Bodily Fluids You Can Exchange for Cash

If you're fit and healthy and don't mind some hassle and probing questions, you can earn extra income selling little vials of medical grade you.

Are poor folks and the middle class on the same side?

Rational people try to buy what they need at the cheapest price they can find. There's a contrary argument, though, that holds that it's "shooting themselves in the foot" for poor

7 Work-From-Home Jobs for People Who Hate Talking on the Phone

Love the idea of working from home, but hate the idea of talking on the phone? Don't worry. There are plenty of remote jobs out there for you.

50+ Ways to Have Free Outdoor Fun

From exploring nature and working out to reading, learning about history, and much more, there are plenty of ways to enjoy your time outdoors.

3 Cheap and Easy Formulas for Homemade Windshield De-Icer (Plus Bonus Tips)

It’s that dreaded time of year. Each trip to town requires a 10-minute pre-start on my car, and the hated task of scraping my windshield. There are several options to help you wi

The U.S. Savings Rate Has Tanked — Here's Why That Matters

The U.S. savings rate is the lowest since the Great Recession. Do you need to get your savings back on track?