Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways You're Being a Terrible Neighbor

Unless you enjoy being a terrible neighbor, maybe keep the sloppy parking and late night fireworks to a minimum.

10 Most Valuable Things to Plant in Your Garden This Spring

Once the snow melts away, make sure you plant these things in your garden.

9 Reasons Alone Time Is Good For Your Soul

Need an excuse for more alone time? Here are nine reasons it's good for you.

The Case for Expensive Shoes

Many cost-conscious consumers cling to a short list of must-haves that are worth purchasing no matter the price. High-quality shoes should make the cut every recession.

5 Countries Where You Can Retire for $1,000 a Month

Low cost-of-living is the name of the game in these beautiful countries where you can retire for less than $1,000 per month.

Skills That Can Save You Money Part 1: Parallel Parking

See why something as basic (well, to some) as parallel parking can be a ticket to big savings.

6 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Plastic

Want to do your part and help the environment? Cut back on plastic by cutting out these six things.

Boost Your Savings With This Easy Budgeting System

The premise is simple: Create small budgets. Set savings goals. Achieve financial freedom.

7 Cheaper Versions of Your Favorite Products

Stop paying premium for name brands! Save big on these seven products by ignoring a fancy label.

How to Save Big on Indoor and Outdoor Greenery

Plants bring the beauty of nature into your home, but costs can add up. Here's how to keep your budget in the black when planting more green.

What It Costs to Raise a Child

You probably already know (or, if you're not a parent, you've already guessed) that it costs a lot to raise a child. But just how much is "a lot"?

How to find the cheapest college textbooks

I’m not in college any more, thank goodness, but I remember every penny-pinching moment. Some days I hardly had enough money for food, mainly because the materials and textbooks I

Ask the Readers: Are You Ready for Tax Season?

Tell us whether you're ready for tax season and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 5 Best Waterproof Laptop Cases

While these best five water proof cases won't protect your laptop from a prolonged dunking, they will protect it from a good spritzing.

Rural living in a world with expensive fuel

Rising fuel costs are hard on everybody, but one group gets hit especially hard: Rural folks--especially rural folks who work in town. On my previous posts on expensive fuel,

9 Ways to Vet Your New Employer

Your potential new employer wants to know everything about you. Do you know everything you need to know about them?

How to Resist These 4 Rationalizations to Spend Money

It can be easy to justify spending money on things you want. But there are ways to fight those urges, and protect your hard-earned money.

What Exactly Does Travel Accident Insurance Cover on Credit Cards?

Travel accident insurance may be included with your credit card -- find out what it covers.

Save Time, Money, and Hassle by Bundling Your Home Repairs

A long list of home repairs can seem daunting. Bidding them as a bundle makes the job easier for a contractor — and worthy of a discount for you.

5 Ways to Get Out of a Car Lease Early

Ready to lose your car lease? You have a few options.