Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Wireless Headphones

Wireless headphones allow you freedom of movement with increasingly excellent sound quality. Here are our picks for the five best pairs.

Best Money Tips: Cold Shower Edition

This week in Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup: love your money, keep it cool, ignore your mother's advice, savagely murder your debt in its sleep, stop eating so much in the

10 Hidden Costs & Rules of Pet Ownership

Here's what adoption agencies and pet shops don't tell you about your future pet. Find out these hidden rules & costs of owning pets before you bring home your furry friend.

5 Financial Moves You Should Make Five Years Before Retirement

With retirement just five years away, you can't afford not to make these smart financial moves.

5 Ways Wrath Is Keeping You Poor

You might be deeply angry about something, but that kind of emotion is not doing your finances any good at all.

8 Warning Signs You're Going to Bomb Your Job Interview

You got a job interview! Now get to work polishing up your professional image before you blow the opportunity.

Ask the Readers: Best Purchase of Your Life? (Chance to win $100)

Share your "best purchase" story for a chance to win $50 Amazon GC.

Ask the Readers: What are Your Favorite Deals? (Chance to win $20)

In this week’s Ask The Readers, we’re focusing on our Best Deals Today roundup, and a

Best Money Tips: Save Money on Plus-Sized Clothing

Welcome to Wise Bread's Best Money Tips roundup. Today, we tell you how to shop for plus-sized clothing, why corner lots may be for suckers, and how to prepare for an evacuation fr

The 6 Stages of Dealing With Financial Disaster

When financial disaster strikes, we're likely to follow a process of loss and grieving. Recognize the stages and come out stronger for it.

5 Hi-Tech To-Do Lists: Get It Done!

Whether I’m managing a busy day, the options for managing a busy to-do list and getting things done are almost endless. Here two of my preferred methods to controlling the madness.

What's Better: Less Debt or More Savings?

Does your high-interest debt count as an "emergency?" Well, yes, but not one worth draining your entire emergency fund.

7 More Luxury Buys You Can Replace With Better and Cheaper Alternatives

Having the "right" brands may boost your self-image. But if you want features and function instead of cachet, go for these alternatives to luxe.

How the Reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Will Affect You

On February 11, the government announced its plan to wind down mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. How will this historic reform affect you?

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 8/17, 12pm Pacific for a Chance to Win Prizes

Topic: Saving for Retirement! Join our conversation for chance to win Amazon gift cards! Use #WBChat to participate!

Zen and the Art of Hiding Money

Saving money can require a change in both your outlook and your techniques. Here's how to get zen about money and force yourself to save.

6 Smart Things to Do With Your Bonus

You've got a little extra money on hand, but don't burn it on stuff. Instead, spend that windfall to build a better future for you and your family.

10 Tricks You Should Learn From Great Hagglers

Haggling can save you some decent cash, but what if you hate to ask? Buck up and learn how to get the price that's right for you — and your budget.

5 Reasons to Keep a Work Diary

How was work yesterday? What about yesterday last year? Keep a work diary to track your hits and your misses and gain valuable perspective on your career or business.

7 Ways to Self-Promote without Selling Out

You can't afford to wait for clients and customers to notice you. But you can't afford to alienate them with questionable pitches, either.