Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Smart Household Uses for Rope

Rope is so versatile for holding things in place, but you can also use it for great home decor, too. Get your knot on!

7 Smart Ways to Save on Maternity Clothes

No need to finance a whole new wardrobe with a baby on board! Save big on maternity clothes to stay frugal and fashionable.

Flashback Friday: 36 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Stay focused during your work-from-home gig with these productivity tips.

When You Should Get a Business Credit Card Over a Consumer Card

Here's a breakdown of the extra benefits that come with a business credit card that you should consider.

25 Reasons Why It's Good to Know Your Neighbors

When there's something strange in the neighborhood, who ya gonna call? Your neighbors, of course! Discover all the great reasons to know who's next door.

The 7 Best Free Tools to Improve Your Work Performance

Stop working harder and start working smarter with these free tools that boost productivity.

5 Benefits of Carrying a Mortgage Into Retirement

You wanted to ditch that mortgage before you retired; you didn't. That's OK! There are some benefits to bringing your home loan into your golden years.

10 Ways to Boost Your Take-Home Pay

Getting a new job isn't the only way to make more money — discover great ways to start bringing home more bacon.

8 Best Sites to Help Your Kids Learn About Money

Money lessons can be, well, a little dry for younger minds. Make them fun with these interactive websites!

Dealing With and Understanding Migraine Headaches

Migraines can be completely debilitating. Learn about common triggers (and how to avoid them) and home remedies for easing pain.

The 5 Best Facial Moisturizers

Give your skin a healthy and soft sheen with the right facial moisturizer. Any of these five best facial moisturizers are good choices!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Summer Activities?

Tell us about your favorite summer activities and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

13 Businesses Your Tween Can Start

Who says you need to be an adult to create a successful side hustle?

Ultimate Guide to Cash Back Shopping

You can actually earn back some of what you spend on Internet purchases. Learn more about the programs available and how to avoid common mistakes.

4 Ways Your Money Can Support Your Values

Want to give back without going broke? Use your everyday finances as a means of funding your values.

Beyond Disney: 8 Affordable Family Destinations in the US

If you can't justify the high cost of a Disney vacation, check out one of these affordable family destinations around the U.S.

11 Money Habits That Make You Look Financially Immature

You're an adult. It's time to start acting like one with your money.

15 Ways to Reuse Detergent Bottles

Instead of trashing them when the detergent runs dry, discover the multitude of uses for these very versatile bottles.

How to Respond to House-Shaming

Everyone you know says you should buy instead of rent. Here's how to tell those house-shamers to pound sand.

What if energy costs keep rising?

Recession or not, I think the medium-term trend in energy costs is up.  Just in case I'm right, you ought to have plan for that.