Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Keep Peer Pressure From Destroying Your Finances

Keeping up with the Joneses is keeping too many of us in debt.

Ask the Readers: What Money Advice Would You Give a College Student?

Tell us what money advice you would give to a college student and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Best Money Tips: Ways to Get a Cheap Gym Membership

Today we found some awesome articles on getting a cheap gym membership, protecting your wealth, and keeping your living costs as low as a students.

Best Money Tips: Deal With the Hardest Parts of Being in Your 20s

Today we found some stellar articles on dealing with being in your 20s, things every high school grad should know about money, and using coupons with food stamps.

How I Use Skype to Keep in Touch With Friends and Family

I talk to friends and family around the world for pennies. Find out how you can do the same!

3 Ways Technology Can Keep You Healthy

Are you taking advantage of teleconference house calls and game-like health apps?

Best Money Tips: Eat Healthy During the Holidays

Today we found some stellar articles on eating healthy during the holidays, DIY gifts you can make in 15 minutes, and reducing healthcare costs in the New Year.

Try a Wantable Box If You Like Pretty, High-Quality Surprises

Wantable offers deep discounts on accessories and more, but is it worth almost $40 a month? Find out inside!

6 Natural and Effective Ways to Change Your Brain Chemistry and Be Happier

Winter got you down? Feel happier by tricking your brain with these secrets from chemistry and psychology.

Do What You Love: Idealistic Nonsense Or Good Advice?

"Do what you love" has always been the cheesiest advice you can give a young person, but can it really be solid advice? In anything you do, there's the struggle of between paying t

My 2016 Budget Challenge: How to Decide When to Sell Your House

Max is facing one of the biggest decisions in her budget challenge yet — should she sell her house? The decision is amusingly complex.

This Is How You Dress Like Don Draper on the Cheap

Used or new, 50s and 60s suits are still fashionable, and actually affordable, if you know where to look. Find out here!

Negotiate Your Own Hotel Deal

Taking a vacation is getting more expensive each year. But staying at a hotel doesn't have to break the bank. If you know your way around a desk clerk, you can find or negotiate

Apperang: Get Paid for Trying iPhone Apps

If you love trying new apps, read this review to learn how you can make money doing what you already enjoy.

5 Customer Service Battles You Just Can't Win

Put your phone scripts away, give up escalating, and don't bother screaming because whatever happens, you're not getting your money back.

Best Money Tips: Have an Exciting Staycation

Today we found some great articles on ideas for an exciting staycation, things you should always buy generic, and emergency preparedness on a shoestring.

When to Outsource for Your Small Business

The big bucks are made not on one person’s efforts alone, but the efforts of many. Today we will look at the inherent characteristics of outsourcing.

5 Dreams You Won't Achieve Unless You Live Below Your Means

By spending less than you earn, you can much more easily achieve big goals in life, from retiring early to finding a job you really love.

The 15 Worst Cities for Frugal People

These 15 international cities are renowned for their culture, vitality, and energy. They're also really, really expensive places to live.

3 Must Have Business Agreements

These three agreements can keep your business -- and you -- from getting burned.