Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

12 Easy Ways to Win Over Your Neighbors

You don't get to pick your neighbors, so you might as well try to get along with them.

Dealing with Nasty Debt Collectors

You may (or may not) be delinquent with a debt payment, but debt collectors don’t have carte blanche with regards to how they can hustle the money from you. Some can be rude, make

How to Handle a Massive Medical Bill

Surprise medical bills can torpedo even the most well-planned budget. These simple steps help minimize the financial pain.

6 Things You Can Negotiate When Buying a Home

Buying a house is a big deal -- and almost all of it is negotiable. Here's what else you can haggle over besides price.

Investments Worth Making With $50 or Less

When it comes to investment, $50 or less might not seem like a lot of money, but there are plenty of ways to take that sum and watch it grow.

10 Reasons to Cut Millennials Some Slack About Their Money

Millennials have long been the punching bags of personal finance. It's time we ease up.

Everything You Need to Know About Buying Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can be so much more than just peace of mind. Consider the following when finding the coverage that's right for you.

6 Great Places to Get Free Tax Advice

Confused by taxes? Now you can get free professional help from a variety of surprising sources.

What You Must Know Before Transferring Credit Card Balances

Many credit card issuers offer 0% APR balance transfer deals. Before you apply, learn how balance transfers work and how your credit score may be affected.

5 Smart Ways to Reduce Your Credit Card Interest

Instead of looking for a 0% APR credit card, here are a few other ways to reduce those monthly interest charges.

4 Reasons Why a Roth IRA May be Better Than Your 401(k)

Which is better, a Roth IRA or 401(k)? A mix of both may be your best option - here's why.

The Three F Rule Can Lead You to Happiness

In advertising, my chosen career, there is an unwritten rule for working with clients that makes everyone’s lives just a little better. It’s the three F rule. But when I explained

6 Foolish Ways to Pay Down Debt

You might think that any debt repayment strategy is a good one — but these wrong moves could leave you worse off. Don't try this at home!

What You Need to Know About Filing an Insurance Claim After a Natural Disaster

When your home is a casualty of natural disaster, know what steps to take immediately with your insurance company.

9 Retirement Hotspots That Are Cheaper Now Than Ever Before

Retiring abroad to these nine countries is cheaper than it’s ever been.

Why You Need to Make Financial Habits, Not Goals

Everyone has their list of money goals, but you may hit them even sooner if you turn them into everyday habits.

Should You Pay Your Bills With a Credit Card?

It's the easiest way to rack up more rewards. Just keep a few caveats in mind.

4 Worst Reasons to Buy a House

You should buy a home because you want to — not because these myths make you believe it's a good idea.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Transportation?

Tell us about how you save on transportation and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The Top 5 Strength Training Apps

Need a new workout routine or some extra motivation? Find both in this list of five popular strength training apps.