Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Investments Worth Making With $50 or Less

When it comes to investment, $50 or less might not seem like a lot of money, but there are plenty of ways to take that sum and watch it grow.

5 Ways to Get More Legroom on Your Next Flight — for Free

As airline ticket prices have shrunk, so has the legroom. Use these tips to find more room for your feet (and your stuff) without paying extra.

Quick Pantry Snacks for Unexpected Guests

When company shows up unannounced (or you just want a quick, tasty snack), whip up one of these treats using ingredients you already have on hand.

How Getting More Sleep Helps Your Finances

Need another reason to hit the sack early? Getting enough sleep improves your health and your wealth.

6 Great Retirement Jobs

Even though you're retired, you might still want to make some extra cash. Here are some great side jobs to consider.

Why Warren Buffett Says You Should Invest in Index Funds

Warren Buffett made a huge bet on index funds — and won. Find out if you should make that bet, too.

11 Reasons Your Credit Card Application Was Denied — And What You Can Do About It

Denied! Find out why your credit application was rejected by the bank, and then take steps to tighten your finances, and improve your credit score.

Sure Savings at the Supermarket

A SURE way to save 20-25% on many of your groceries? Oh, yes, and it couldn't be simpler!

How to Manage Debt While Unemployed

Out of work and in the red? Take a deep breath. You can manage both.

25 Purchases You'll Never Regret

Buyer's remorse usually follows close behind the purchases you make — especially big ones. But for these buys, know that you've done the right thing.

Are You Getting Charged by a Text Message Scam?

One writer shares her story about being charged for a cellphone text message service she never signed up for — and how you can avoid the same scam.

The 7 Best Credit Card Debt Elimination Strategies

You want out of credit card debt, and you want out fast. You have several options — which will work for you?

The 5 Best Allergen Sprays

Keeping your home free from dust mites and other allergens isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these allergen sprays and you'll always breathe easy at home.

5 Everyday Words That Are Making You Look Stupid

Seriously, if you actually want to improve your social standing and status, work on eliminating these worn out words from your lexicon.

How to Buy a Mattress in 10 Minutes or Less

Losing sleep over a subpar mattress? Pick out a new one in under 10 minutes with these tips. No more tossing and turning!

3 Ways Your Credit Card Rewards Can Make You Rich

Here are 3 ways you can turn your credit card cash rewards into wealth.

These 7 Exercises Are Scientifically Proven to Increase Happiness

Runner's high is a real thing, but exercise can boost overall happiness for the long term, too. Get out there and get moving!

13 Things You Don't Know About Your Credit Report — But Should

There's a lot more to a credit report than just the score. Find out what the bureaus know about you — and how you can improve your credit.

How to Find Your New Identity After Retirement

Your job is part of who you are. What happens when you leave it?

6 Decorative Plants You Can Eat, Too

Kill two birds with one stone by stocking both your garden and your pantry with these gorgeous edible plants.