Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Happy (Financial) Independence Day

Today, as we celebrate, let's take a vow to be financially independent.

Defining Success: If You Don't Know What You Want, You Won't Know When You've Gotten It

When it comes to your life, what do you want? If you can't answer this question, you won't ever know when you've been successful.

Book review: Cash-Rich Retirement

Do you need a kick in the pants to get you saving for retirement?  Do you need someone to wave their arms and run around screaming that your whole future is at risk, in order to mo

Peer to Peer Lending: Prosper Marketplace or Lending Club?

Whether you're a borrower or investor, here is a quick comparison guide on the two largest peer to peer lending companies.

The 5 Best Luxury Pens

Writing anything by hand in the digital age isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these luxury pens and you'll never want to stop writing.

7 Questions to Ask Before Moving Out of State

Whether you want a change of jobs or a change of scenery, moving across the country is not a step to be taken lightly.

The Best Secured Card with No Foreign Transaction Fees

If you travel aboard frequently or make a lot of foreign purchases, you'll need a credit card that offers a low or no foreign transaction fee.

9 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Weekly Grocery Budget

Give your grocery list a modest makeover and you can save BIG.

Food Safety Reminder: Rinsing the Bird Is Bad for Your Health

Do you rinse your poultry and other meats before cooking? Well stop!

Need a job? Apply to become a Census enumerator

The Census Bureau produces an important set of demographics data about the United States every ten years. The 2010 Census is coming up soon and the Bureau is hiring thousands of t

Behold: The Secrets of the Grocery Store

A trip to the grocery store may be a hit or a miss, depending on your perspective. Some people love going to the store each week and others detest it with a passion. But there are

9 Money Questions You Should Be Able to Answer by Age 30

You're turning the big 3-0. Do you have the answers to these all-important money questions?

If you're so smart, why aren't you rich?

You don't hear it much any more, but for a long time, "If you're so smart, why aren't you rich" was a pretty effective line for the average Joe when dealing w

10 Foods That Can Help You Sleep

Don't let your late to bed late to rise sleeping habits slow you down. Nibble (or sip) these sleep inducing foods to fall asleep faster — and stay that way until morning.

8 Totally Free Things You Can Sell on eBay

Odds are, you probably have one or more of these totally free items hanging around your house (or backyard). They can fetch a profit on eBay!

A Simple Guide to Planning For a Loved One's Long-Term Care

Our aging loved ones deserve the best care possible. Plan for it now, and make the process much easier later.

Is Unlimited Data Still a Thing?

Ah, remember the time we could get unlimited data on our phone plans? Whatever happened to that?

6 Ways to Travel On a Budget While in Expensive Countries

Just because you're in a pricey location doesn't mean you need to spend a fortune to enjoy it.

6 Dumb Things Employment Recruiters See People Do

This former employment recruiter saw job applicants make a lot of stupid mistakes. Here's what to avoid if you want to get hired.

Post Divorce Finances: 7 Steps to Rebuilding Your Financial House

Severing a conjoined life and combined finances as a result of divorce is painful through and through. The jump to a single income lifestyle paves the way to feeling the cash crunc