Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Drive across America for FREE.

  How would you like to see everything that America has to offer, with all your friends, and not pay one cent for it? Well, it's not as far-fetched as you may think. [more]

Bad, bad China: a round-up

I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I need to stop buying Chinese goods. This is a tough one for me, mostly because so much of the cheap stuff I love to buy comes from Chi

Save on School Expenses Without Ruining Your Kid's Childhood

From music lessons to fundraisers and more, even public school expenses can cost you nearly $20,000 per child. Here's how to cut costs.

7 Reasons To Take The Bus

Low cost airlines are finally taking hold in the United States, offering a greater range of route options and discounts. At the same time, concerns over security, environmental imp

16 Ways To Get Money For Your Business

Former kid entrepreneur and now Chief Executive Officer of iContact (an email marketing company), Ryan Allis, has lots of ideas for getting money to grow a business. He’s

Why the Scarcity Mentality Is Keeping You Poor

It's wise to be careful with our resources, but too much caution will hold us back. Learn to recognize abundance.

How to Spot a Charity Scam From a Mile Away

Don't let your charitable donation go toward funding a crooked cause.

4 Reasons Why Everyone Needs Side Income

Many people don't try to earn extra money outside of their jobs, but they should. Here's why.

5 Steps to Picking the Best Airline Credit Card for the Most Rewards Value

An airline credit card will help you rack up those travel rewards. Make sure you pick the best one!

How to Claim Social Security Benefits While Living Abroad

If your retirement plans involve spending your golden years abroad, you should know how to take your Social Security benefits with you.

5 Overwater Bungalows You Can Book With Rewards Points

Overwater bungalows may be the holy grail of luxury travel, but that doesn't mean staying in one has to break the bank.

Estate Planning: Why Me?

What is an estate, what makes up an estate plan, why do I need one, and how do I go about planning? These and more questions are answered in this matter-of-fact article.

GYM Class: THE DIY, DIFNF Thesis

If you know that you aren't going to be able to work out more than three times a week, if you have a fitness center in your apartment complex or if you're self-motivated an

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 3/14, 12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Caregiving! Join our conversation AARP's Amy Goyer and AdCouncil for chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Have a Frugal Halloween?

Tell us how you have a frugal Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

4 Easy, Natural DIY Facial Products You Have to Try

Many natural beauty products are made with ingredients already in your kitchen. Save time and money with these easy-to-make recipes.

Ask the Readers: What Has Been Your Biggest Money Mistake?

Tell us about your biggest money mistake and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Divining Your Home’s Value, The Quick-and-Dirty Way

It’s the American Nightmare: your neighbor, in an effort to avoid foreclosure, sells his house for thousands less than he paid two years ago, causing your home to plummet in value.

5 Ways Giving to Charity Is Good for You

Givers enjoy better health, stronger social bonds, and higher levels of satisfaction than non-givers do. What's the catch? There is none. All you have to do is give.

15 Delicious Gifts You Can Bake

Holiday baking is a sweet tradition, and you'll find plenty of traditional holiday baking ideas here, plus a few new ones for some sweet holiday surprises.