Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Embrace Having to Work in Retirement

Retirement isn't always a permanent send-off from the working world. If you have to return to the daily grind, there are actually some pluses.

10 Financial Resolutions You Can Conquer Before New Year's

Don't wait for the ball to drop and the Champagne to pour; get cracking on these financial resolutions before the end of the year!

Best Store Credit Cards

Retail branded credit cards may be a wise choice for loyal customers. But what about department store credit cards?

10 Ways You're Being a Terrible Neighbor

Unless you enjoy being a terrible neighbor, maybe keep the sloppy parking and late night fireworks to a minimum.

Cash Back vs Travel Rewards: Pick the Right Credit Card for You

Trying to decide between travel rewards or cash back? Here's how to weigh your options and get the most value out of your credit card rewards.

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Clip Coupons

Many people consider clipping coupons to be one of the major tenets of frugal living. But all that time spent searching and snipping might not be worth it.

4 Mindful Spending Habits That Will Save You Money

These mindful spending strategies can help you resist those impulse buys.

Frugal... or just plain wrong?

You know what I love? Getting something for nothing. Oh, it's rare. It's also sort of greedy and raises all kinds of ethical questions. [more]

7 Steps to Improving Your Critical Thinking

With all the information we're faced with every day, it can be hard to know what's what. These seven steps will help you get closer to the truth.

4 Reasons Why a Roth IRA May be Better Than Your 401(k)

Which is better, a Roth IRA or 401(k)? A mix of both may be your best option - here's why.

Why Treasury Bills Are Always a Worthwhile Investment

When rates are rising, you need something that responds quickly to changes in the market. That's where Treasury bills come in.

Extreme Couponing? 5 Reasons Why I’ll Pass.

40 hours per week clipping coupons? Stockpiling products you may never use? Extreme couponing may be all the rage, but it's more like madness to me.

How Late Payments Affect Your Credit

Don't let runaway late payments wreak havoc on your credit score.

9 Costly Things New Homeowners Don't Prepare For

Buying a home can be one of the most exciting things in your life...and the most unexpectedly expensive. Discover nine things you should budget for.

10 Money Goals All 30-Somethings Should Have

You're not 29 anymore. Do you have your act together, financially?

8 Things We Keep Buying That Are Killing the Planet

Convenience comes at a price — and the planet is paying it.

Everyone's Using Spare Change Apps — Are They Really Worth It?

Micro-investing apps are the modern-era change jars. Can they really help boost your finances?

A Budget is Not a Constraint

When people resist the idea of budgets, the most common reason is that they view the budget as an unwelco

20 Great Uses for a Bandana

From survival first aid to home decor, a colorful, inexpensive bandana is as versatile as it is cheap. Learn more about what a square of cotton cloth can do.

Are your new tires really 6-year old ticking time-bombs?

Check the tires on your car. How do they look? Plenty of tread, no bald spots, no wear and tear? If that’s the case, you’ve probably got a great set of tires with years of life lef