Have a bottle of vinegar in your pantry? Use it to save your rhododendrons, to attempt to choose the sex of your unborn child, and in other unexpected ways.
Do you remember when you were a kid, and you thought Garfield was funny? Maybe you shared his fear of spiders or intense love of lasagna? And then, as you got older, Garfield became increasingly less funny? [more]
Now that many of you have crunched the numbers for accelerating your mortgage payoff, I think you are ready for a quick lesson on speeding through your mortgage. Now, I am not sayi
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10 Weird and Wonderful Ways to Use Vinegar
Have a bottle of vinegar in your pantry? Use it to save your rhododendrons, to attempt to choose the sex of your unborn child, and in other unexpected ways.
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Participating in a clinical trial can deliver a sizable payday in a short period of time...but is the money worth the risk?
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People say that these bugs will survive a nuclear apocalypse with good reason, but there are (thankfully) effective ways to get rid of roaches.
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Unless you work for yourself, you answer to a boss — who may be doing more harm to your career than good. Beware these nine toxic bosses!
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4 Vacation Destinations Where Eating Healthy Is Surprisingly Cheap
If you vacation in the following countries, you can actually eat healthy for very little money.
Turn brass pennies into gold.
This alchemist turns pennies into gold.
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Comics Curmudgeon: Filthy Rich Blogger Divulges Secrets to Wealth!
Do you remember when you were a kid, and you thought Garfield was funny? Maybe you shared his fear of spiders or intense love of lasagna? And then, as you got older, Garfield became increasingly less funny? [more]
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Speeding through your mortgage
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