Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Earn More Interest by Reducing Savings Friction

Sometimes friction is a good thing. Like when you can use it to save tons of money.

8 Great Places to Take the Family for Spring Break

Looking to book your annual spring break vacation with the family? Consider these fun and frugal destinations.

101 fantastic freebies for your PC

Software is expensive, right? Well, not today my friends. Those fab guys and gals over at PC World have spent a whole bunch of their very valuable time and energy researching the b

5 Ways to Safeguard Your Financial Future With Just $200

You don't need a lot of dough to safeguard your financial future. A couple hundred bucks is a good start.

9 Things Successful 30-Somethings Do

Forget the material things. These habits of successful 30-somethings lead to fulfilling, happy, and lucrative lives.

Find Your Hidden Spending Habits and Save

If you want to increase savings, find your hidden spending habits and wring out the waste. Start by checking out these spending categories.

The Five Stages of Not Shopping

When people see us make a lifestyle change — even a positive one like frugality — their responses often resemble the Five Stages of Grief.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Holiday Gifts?

Tell us how you save money on holiday gifts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

The 6 Best Lawn Mowers

That grass isn't going to cut itself — get the job done with one of these recommended machines.

6 Ways Greed Is Keeping You Poor

"Greed is good," goes the famous line. After all, isn't greed a natural way to amass wealth? Not exactly.

These 10 Frugal Lunches Are Delicious Hot or Cold

Tired of hot lunch, when it's warmer outside? These lunches are versatile in temperature, and amazing in taste.

6 Budget-Friendly Beach Destinations

There's no need to let your trip to the beach cost an arm and a leg.

Do What You Love: Idealistic Nonsense Or Good Advice?

"Do what you love" has always been the cheesiest advice you can give a young person, but can it really be solid advice? In anything you do, there's the struggle of between paying t

5 Times Buying the Extended Warranty Makes Sense

We usually advise readers to skip the extended warranty. But not always.

10 Insane, Life-Affirming, and Cheap Things You Must Do Before You Die

You don't have to be rich to live a life of adventure. Get out there and start living!

20 Ways to Entertain Your Kids for Free

Mom! Dad! I'm bored! Not anymore with this list of fun — and free — games and activities that will entertain everybody.

Here's How Billionaires Are Preparing for the End of the World

If you're rich enough, you can live out the end of the world in true luxury.

Outsourcing Your Life, and Creating New Businesses

How much is your time worth? What if you could find a way to have more quality time, less work, and possibly a higher income? Or - what if you need a new business idea, but don'

Moving? Don't Skimp on These Critical Expenses

Nobody likes moving, and nobody likes paying for it either. You can make the day go easier — with less damage to your stuff — by spending wisely.

6 Ways Gluttony Is Keeping You Poor

You may think gluttony only applies to food. Think again. Too much of anything can cost you.