Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Common Logic Traps You May Be Falling For

The human brain is a curious thing. See if you're being held back by one of these notorious logic traps.

Unexpected Roommates: How to Get Rid of Roaches

People say that these bugs will survive a nuclear apocalypse with good reason, but there are (thankfully) effective ways to get rid of roaches.

The 3 Best Pieces of Financial Wisdom From Oprah Winfrey

There's nothing Oprah can't do — including offer some stellar financial advice. Learn how to handle your money from an icon with plenty.

10 Things to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy

Leftover Halloween candy can be a treat or an annoyance. If your kids came home with a huge stash, or you have many leftovers from your own home, the tummy aches can put a kibosh o

7 ways to spot a social media snake oil salesperson

Sure, you'd like to boost your online presence and make money on the Internet. But just like pyramid schemes attract the greedy and fad diets interest the desperate, many social me

11 Surprising Things Your HSA Will Cover

You probably aren't using your HSA dollars on these everyday medical buys. But you should be!

The World's Most Expensive Waters

If you think the markup on regular bottled H2O is crazy, the prices of these luxury brands will blow you out of the...well, water.

Should You Buy a Car With a Credit Card?

With the right strategy, financing your new ride with plastic can be a smart money move.

Prepaid Cards About to Get Safer and Better

New consumer protection rules for prepaid cards will help protect you from theft, fraud, and unreasonable fees.

Kill Boredom With These 34 Fun and Productive Projects

Bored? Get off the Internet and get busy tackling these fun, small projects that will improve both you and your life!

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

Will A Dental Discount Plan Save You Money?

Those of us without traditional dental insurance may have been tempted to buy a dental “discount” plan. On paper, it looks good. In practicality, it could save you some, or more

Inside the Shady World of Cheap iTunes Gift Cards

A casual search on eBay led to auctions selling iTunes gift cards for cheap, but is there a darker side to this? Some would say yes.

The Key to Happiness: A Case Study

Let's explore the lives of two very different people with an aim to discover what the key to happiness is. It may be simpler than you think.

10 Difficult Jobs That Are Worth the Effort

The hours are long, the work is hard, and in some cases, the pay is low. Find out why these demanding jobs are worth your while.

7 Networking Tips for the Recently Unemployed

Sudden unemployment can be a huge blow. When you're ready to dive back in, the right connections can make all the difference.

5 Crucial Things You Should Know About Bonds

Boring and staid, bonds remain a fundamental piece of a well-made portfolio. Find out why you should add bonds to yours.

My Personal Productivity Rules...What Are Yours?

What's the best way to get more productive? Your way. Here's my list of personal productivity rules, a starting point for you to figure out your own.

How to Succeed When You're the Oldest Person at Work

When your boss is much younger than you, it can be a blow to the ego. It's time to let it go and get on with the job.

5 Signs You're Ready to Sell Your House

The housing market is red-hot. But are you truly ready to sell?