Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How a Family of 4 Can Book a Disney Vacation for $1,000 or Less

Disney World is known for being a budget buster. But luckily, there's a way for you and your family to get in and out for under $1,000.

For the Best Deals of the Year, Shop Labor Day and Skip Black Friday

Black Friday is when retailers offer the steepest discounts of the year, right? Wrong. Labor Day weekend is the holiday with the best discount shopping.

How to Find Freelance Clients - Part One

Once you hang your “open for business” sign, the hard part begins! Finding clients to pay you for your products or services can be the most challenging aspect of starting and runni

Not driving your less-frugal friends crazy

A while back, I heard an interview with a guy who, troubled by the Exxon Valdez oil spill, decided the right response was to quit driving. The bit of the interview that stuck with

Uglify Your Stuff To Keep It Safe

I buy things based on how they look as well as what they do. But what attracts you to objects also attracts thieves. And so, has the time come to "uglify your stuff?"

Is There Such a Thing as a "Safe" Investment?

We all want to protect our nest eggs, but the question remains: Is any investment truly "safe?"

Homemade Gluten-Free Trail Mix Bars for About 30 Cents Each

If you're gluten-free this recipe for trail mix bars that cost around 30 cents a piece to make, will keep you in the black and spare your GI tract.

6 Negative Traits That Are Actually Good for You

We're often taught to avoid certain negative traits and habits. Before you remake yourself into a saint, consider the positives of these negatives.

Dealing with Post-Holiday Credit Card Debt

It's not the most wonderful time of the year when the first credit card bills from the holiday season start to arrive. Here's how to pay them off.

How to Help Your Parents Retire

Your parents have given you so much in life. Pay it forward by helping them plan their best retirement.

How to Invest If You're Worried About a Stock Market Crash

Market fear is hard to shake. If you're afraid a crash is coming, you should keep on investing; here's how.

The scams and cons that could clean you out.

Scam artists can sneak up on your when you least expect it. Arm yourself (and your money) from these potential pickpockets.

Dead car battery? Give it a glass of red wine.

  I love quick fixes for problems. [more]

Smart Shopping: Guide to Researching a Purchase

Need help making sure you're not making a purchase you'll regret? Follow these simple guidelines to make sure you wind up a happy, satisfied customer.

Creating a Financial Plan: Highlights from Our Chat with Money Smart Week

Don't miss the highlights from our chat with Money Smart Week on creating a financial plan!

Netbooks Guide: How to Buy the Best New Netbook

If you’re thinking about buying a netbook, here are some things to consider before deciding on which to purchase.

Psychology and Loans: The Strange Reasons Why You Make Bad Decisions

You might think that when it comes to big financial decisions, you only make logical, rational decisions. But research suggests that you don't.

How Emotions Can Hurt a Home Buyer

Granite counters and fresh paint can lead a buyer to overlook a home's flaws. Avoid buying the wrong house by recognizing these common biases.

Supermarket Shopping for Savers: 6 Ways to Avoid Their Tricky Traps

Going to the supermarket and sticking to a list is an exercise in discipline and requires fortitude and resilience of epic proportions. Employing tips like “don’t shop when you’re

5 Things Everyone Should Know About This Year's Tax Changes

Know this year's key updates so you don't miss any tax cuts or deductions.