Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Awesome Money-Making Hobbies

Have fun and keep your wallet full with one of these enjoyable, profit-turning hobbies.

Forget Saving...25 Places to Look for Spare Change

Don't keep ignoring those pennies you find on the floor, in the drawer, in the parking lot. If only you'd gather all the loose change up from just around your house, you could prob

15 Ways to Save Money When Getting Your Drink On

A night out at the bar can be a costly way to unwind. Here's how to do it on the cheap.

People Who Became Millionaires Overnight (and What They Did With the Money)

Some lottery winners seem to wind up penniless — or worse — after their windfall. Read their stories — as well those of winners who did better.

Make Pizza Night Fun Again With These 30 Pizza Sauce Alternatives

Don't settle for the same old pizza with red sauce and traditional toppings. Sauce and top your pizza crust with these terrific alternatives.

5 Questions to Ask Before Sending Your Child to Private School

Not sure if private school is right for your child? Get the answers to these questions before you decide.

11 Things You Can't Hide When Selling Your Home

Before you sell your home, make sure you know what you have to tell the new owners.

7 Retirement Planning Steps Late Starters Must Make

Americans are not very good at saving for retirement. If retirement is looming your horizon, start doing a better job of preparing.

Here's How Rich You'd Be If You'd Invested $500 in FAANG 6 Years Ago

So you missed the boat on Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google? Here's how much it cost you.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money on Holiday Gifts?

Tell us how you save money on holiday gifts and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Use only what you need

That’s the advice from a beautifully-executed campaign from Denver Water, right here in my own backyard of Colorado. The campaign (created by Sukle Advertising, a very smart, strat

How I Make $800 on Month on eBay Selling Used Clothes

Looking for a fun side gig? You could make up to $800 a month selling your unwanted clothes on eBay.

How to Liquidate a Loved One's Estate

Part of settling an estate is dealing with the personal possessions of the deceased. Here's how to do that with minimal stress.

25 Money-Saving Strategies That Are Actually Hurting You

Penny wise pound-foolish is no way to build real wealth. Are your too-frugal habits costing you money?

Ask the Readers: What Was Your First Job?

Tell us about your first job and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Ways Longevity Is Changing Retirement Planning (And What to Do About It)

Americans are living longer than ever. They need retirement planning that sees them through.

9 Creative Ways to Boost Your Retirement Savings

Having some trouble coming up with cash for your nest egg? It's time to think outside the box.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Celebrate Thanksgiving on a Budget?

Tell us how you celebrate Thanksgiving on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

8 Things Millennials Can Do Right Now for an Early Retirement

When you're young, retirement may seem too far off to matter. But wouldn't it be nice to retire early?

14 Awesome Credit Card Perks You Didn't Know About

Make sure you read the fine print on your credit card member agreement. You may be getting more than you bargained for — in a good way.