Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Earn a Good Interest Rate in a Low-Rate Environment

If you're feeling ho-hum about saving while interest rates hover around 1%, discover why current interest rates don’t dictate your average return over time.

7 Ways to Self-Promote without Selling Out

You can't afford to wait for clients and customers to notice you. But you can't afford to alienate them with questionable pitches, either.

Try Social Lending as an Alternative to Banks

Your banker is not the only person with money to lend.

How to Stop Worrying

Worrying is a natural response to stress, but not a productive one. Learn how to deal with worry and free your mind to tackle bigger problems.

5 Things You Must Do Before You Quit Your Job

Don't just take that job and shove it. Before giving notice, make sure you're prepared for whatever comes next.

How to Give Thoughtful Gifts on a Scrooge-Like Budget

If you have a lot of gifts to give during the holidays, it can be tough enough to give personal gifts, let alone stay on budget. Use these tips to do both.

6 Fun, Affordable Travel Ideas for Singles

Traveling alone is the best way to get the trip you want, and these travel ideas will also fit anyone's budget.

4 Ways Energetic Employees Electrify the Workplace

If you're lucky enough to find -- and hire -- high energy employees, you and your team will get more done, and have more fun doing it.

The 12 Best Frozen Food Values

Don't turn up your nose to frozen fruits and vegetables and other foods — they're delicious and cheap. Stock up on these dozen frugal frozen eats.

How One Inventor Turned a Spring Break Idea Into a Six-Figure Business

A good idea can change your life. Learn how Rob Ianelli, inventor behind Brewsees sunglasses, hit his stride while cracking open a cold one.

Budgeting for People Who Hate Planning

Budgeting isn't that exciting — and it can be downright annoying if you hate planning. Here are some ways to make it bearable...and even fun.

The Only Tool You'll Ever Need To Buy

Hey, it's Friday. I thought I'd post this one to give you all a chuckle into the weekend. And I seriously want one of these. Not the paperclip, the packaging. How cool is this? [more]

Surprising Charitable Tax Deductions

If you're generous, make sure you get all the tax breaks coming to you. From car mileage to meals, you might be surprised by what you can deduct.

The $100 laptop...for sale to the public?

Fancy a brand new hand-cranked laptop for a few hundred bucks? Well, it may just happen. It seems plans are afoot to offer the $100 laptop for sale to the general public, and not just the poor children of the world. [more]

How to Do Less — and Why You Should

If getting things done is so important, why does doing nothing feel so good? Discover how to do less — and become happier and more productive.

Crappy service, great food...what to do?

Yesterday I witnessed something quite special. My lovely wife, who is usually not one for complaining, decided that the service we had received at a local restaurant (or hadn't in this case) was not on. [more]

Best Money Tips: Free Summer Fun for Kids

Today we found some awesome articles on free summer fun for kids, money saving tips for families, and ways to save on vacations.

The Toyota I-Unit; would you drive it?

We've been talking a lot about gas prices recently. That's no surprise considering we're paying almost three times more for gas than we were six years ago. [more]

Best Money Tips: Habits That Lead to Wealth

Today we found some great articles on habits that lead to wealth and prosperity, smart ways to multitask, and ways to slash your cell phone bill.

Do I need life insurance for little ones?

When my second child was born, I was approached by an insurance agent who thought that I should consider purchasing life insurance policies for my children. [more]