Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Food Going Bad Quickly? Here's How to Fix It

Spoiled snacks keep ending up in the trash? Stop wasting food (and cash!) by learning how to store it properly.

16 Must-Haves to Pack for Your Next Cruise

Before you step foot on the gangplank, check your pockets and luggage for these essentials. You're gonna need 'em!

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 4/4, at 3pm EST/12pm PST for a Chance to Win $200 in Prizes!

Topic: Creating a Financial Plan! Join our conversation with Money Smart Week for chance to win $200 in Amazon gift cards!

10 Places to Go for Inspiration

Got a problem at work? Need to find a new creative project or hobby? Get up, get out, and go find your muse in one of these inspiring places.

Urgent: Check Your Withholdings

Your paycheck has probably been bigger this year because the government stimulus package to cut the amount of tax withheld from people who were expected to get the new "Making Work

5 Tips to Acing An Interview

If you're contemplating a new job search, you may be dreading the many interviews that lie ahead...And why wouldn't you? They're grueling. But before you work yourself into a panic

Don't Forget About These 7 Job Hunting Expenses

It's not just yourself you need to prepare for a job hunt. Prepare your money, too!

5 Money Making Activities You Can Do Today

With these money making ideas, you just might be able to live comfortably ever after!

5 Surprising Ways the Rich Get Richer

The rich get richer. You could get jealous, or you could get inspired to find out how wealthy stay that way, and copy them?

Join Our Tweetchat on Thursday 5/2, 12pm PST/3pm EST for a Chance to Win $300 in Prizes!

Topic: Saving on Pets! Join our conversation with SmartyPig for chance to win $300 in Amazon gift cards!

33 Places to Retire If You Love the Rain

If rainy skies leave you with a smile on your face, you may want to consider retiring in one of these affordable cities. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

The Google Way: A Book Review (And a Chance to Win!)

I don’t know why I’ve put off reading and reviewing this book. It’s one that was on my “must-read” list for some time. With its common-sense but unique approach to business manage

11 Terrifying Things That Can Happen When Someone Steals Your Phone (And How You Can Protect It)

Your smartphone is stuffed with piles of personal data, which means the loss of a smartphone really… smarts. Take steps to protect it.

The 5 Best Eye Masks

When you need to catch some z's but lights are keeping you up, pop on an eye mask and shut out the world.

Make-Ahead Food: 10 Things to Cook on a Sunday

It's quick and easy to eat healthy during the week if you take the time over the weekend to prepare a few of these 10 staples.

10 Foods That Can Help You Sleep

Don't let your late to bed late to rise sleeping habits slow you down. Nibble (or sip) these sleep inducing foods to fall asleep faster — and stay that way until morning.

Negotiate All Your Travel: The Ultimate Guide

Here are some of the best travel negotiation tips from around the web – categorized by hotel, car rental, airfare, and those tips that apply all three.

10 Free Ways to Impress Your Boss

Want to make the boss think you're a rock star without sucking up or spending a ton of money? Here's a cheat sheet.

8 Alternative Ways to Cook Outside

There are still a few more scorching weeks of summer left, and if you can't take the heat in the kitchen, get out. No, really.

7 Times You Definitely Will Be Charged Credit Card Interest

When you use credit cards, you should aim to avoid paying interest whenever possible. But there are times when it's unavoidable.