Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Revel in a corporation's misfortune - all Discovery Channel stores to close

I don't like to see good stores close. Especially an Aladdin's cave like The Discovery Store, which offers great educational toys and videos and is just a pleasure to walk around on a Saturday afternoon. [more]

Stock up on school (and office) supplies with back-to-school sales

You can start stocking up on school (and office) supplies now if you haven't already but be careful out there. Great deals are everywhere (including Target, Kmart, Staples, Office

Save on School Expenses Without Ruining Your Kid's Childhood

From music lessons to fundraisers and more, even public school expenses can cost you nearly $20,000 per child. Here's how to cut costs.

I Lost My Tax Documents… Now What?

Now where did that missing 1099 go…? Never fear, here's how to deal with lost tax documents.

Emergency Preparedness For Your Freezer

We’ve been weathering tornado season with your typical emergency planning and assortment of supplies. Candles, radios, and a clean basement shelter are ready to go at a moment's n

Is Your Apple Dangerous? How to Eat Fewer Pesticides (and Save Money)

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for you...but less so if they're covered in pesticides. Shop smart to reduce your exposure and still save money.

Why the Scarcity Mentality Is Keeping You Poor

It's wise to be careful with our resources, but too much caution will hold us back. Learn to recognize abundance.

6 Money Lessons We Could All Learn From Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

You can't switch on the TV or click open a web browser without running into The Rock. Find out how much that visibility is worth -- and what you can learn from it.

How to Save Without Goals

Basic plans for saving and investing that don't require use of a formal financial plan with specific goals.

21 Surprising and Delicious Ways to Cook Instant Ramen

Ramen is cheap, and these flavorful add-ins can make it healthier and/or tastier. Try one tonight!

5 Store Card Pitfalls to Watch Out for

Store credit cards offer huge discounts to lure customers in, but there's a catch. Read about the pitfalls of these offers and how you can avoid them.

What to Stock in Your Freezer Before Baby Arrives

Your freezer can be an amazing source for quick, healthy, and ready-to-eat meals — especially if you have a little one on the way.

Drive across America for FREE.

  How would you like to see everything that America has to offer, with all your friends, and not pay one cent for it? Well, it's not as far-fetched as you may think. [more]

8 More Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

Filing taxes can be a pain in the you-know-what, but it's all worth it when the refund arrives. Use the extra cash wisely with these eight suggestions.

How to Do Things That Scare You

It's easy to give up when you're afraid, but that's no way to live. Overcome your fears with this expert advice on doing the things that frighten you.

How a Teenager Started A Multi-Million Dollar Online Business with a Parrot. UPDATED

Sit down and grab a cup of your favorite beverage. I’m about to tell you the remarkable story of a young man who has built a successful online business; one that makes in excess of

25 Ways to Simplify Your Life — Today

One of the best things about simple living is how easy it is. Get started today with one (or more!) of these simplifying tricks.

9 Easy Ways to Save $50 Every Month

From subscription services to cooling off, you can shave 50 bucks — or more — off your monthly spend with these tips and tools, no sweat.

This Is Why You Always Think Things Will Cost Less Than They Do

Estimating costs is hard — and the sad part is, much of the time it's because our brains are working against us. Here's how to regain control.

Beating Bank Fee Increases

Sure, you can adhere to all of your bank's (potentially ridiculous) rules to avoid rising fees...or you can start searching for a new bank.