Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Lessons in Simple Living From Extreme Minimalists

You don't have to forsake your worldly possessions to find bliss, but we can all live more frugally — and more elegantly — by learning from those who have.

Ask the Readers: The Best Thing That Happened to You in 2015?

Tell us about the best thing that happened to you in 2015 and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Post Divorce Finances: 7 Steps to Rebuilding Your Financial House

Severing a conjoined life and combined finances as a result of divorce is painful through and through. The jump to a single income lifestyle paves the way to feeling the cash crunc

6 Ways to Get College Kids Home for the Holidays for Cheap

Your college kid likely wants to hang at home on their much-earned holiday break. Get them back to the nest without going broke.

5 Ways to Use Credit Card Rewards this Christmas

If you're struggling to afford Christmas this year, these rewards credit card strategies could help you save money and boost the number of gifts you can put under the tree.

Here's Why Bus Travel Is Cheaper, Easier, and More Awesome Than You Think

Bus travel is making a comeback, with lines offering almost luxe travel for much less than flying. Make your next trip a road trip and save.

7 Foods That Are Scientifically Proven to Increase Happiness

The next time you're feeling down, try a spicy spinach salad topped with poached turkey and salmon, and chase with a handful of chocolate truffles.

Is Mechanical Breakdown Insurance Worth It?

Depending on your car and your aversion to risk, mechanical breakdown insurance can prove to be a smart investment...or a waste of funds.

15 Things You Should Never Skimp On

For the stuff we use and rely on daily, sometimes it's better to avoid the bargain bin. Don't skimp on these 15 items.

5 Store Card Pitfalls to Watch Out for

Store credit cards offer huge discounts to lure customers in, but there's a catch. Read about the pitfalls of these offers and how you can avoid them.

What to Stock in Your Freezer Before Baby Arrives

Your freezer can be an amazing source for quick, healthy, and ready-to-eat meals — especially if you have a little one on the way.

Drive across America for FREE.

  How would you like to see everything that America has to offer, with all your friends, and not pay one cent for it? Well, it's not as far-fetched as you may think. [more]

8 More Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund

Filing taxes can be a pain in the you-know-what, but it's all worth it when the refund arrives. Use the extra cash wisely with these eight suggestions.

I Lost My Tax Documents… Now What?

Now where did that missing 1099 go…? Never fear, here's how to deal with lost tax documents.

5 Reasons to Travel Off the Beaten Path

Want to travel without the hassle and the expense? Explore the road less traveled for privacy, peace of mind, and cheap fun.

Is Your Apple Dangerous? How to Eat Fewer Pesticides (and Save Money)

Fresh fruits and vegetables are good for you...but less so if they're covered in pesticides. Shop smart to reduce your exposure and still save money.

14 Secret Fast Food Menus Revealed

You don't have to join the Illuminati to learn secrets. Discover the unadvertised eats you can order from your favorite fast food joints.

Why the Scarcity Mentality Is Keeping You Poor

It's wise to be careful with our resources, but too much caution will hold us back. Learn to recognize abundance.

How to Save Without Goals

Basic plans for saving and investing that don't require use of a formal financial plan with specific goals.

How to Get More Value From Delta Air Lines SkyMiles

Delta is the only major airline that doesn't publish an award chart, but it's still possible to get decent value from your SkyMiles.