Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Stop Making These 7 Basic Budget Mistakes

If your budget keeps biting the dust, it might be because you're constantly making these basic mistakes.

6 Ways to Spend Black Friday at Home

How to spend the infamous shopping day getting ready for the holidays without ever leaving your house.

15 Time-Saving Tools Everyone Should Own

Where does the time go? Who knows, but without these 15 must-have time and labor savers, it would go even faster.

9 Bizarre Money Superstitions People Actually Believe

These money superstitions might sound unbelievable, but there are actually people who believe them!

11 Ways to Turn Leftover Sweet Potatoes and Other Starchy Foods Into Something Special

Starchy leftovers taking up valuable refrigerator space? Turn them into something delicious!

6 Money Moves to Make After Buying Your First House

You bought your first home! Now you need to take a few steps to immediately to protect your finances.

4 Signs You Are Teaching Your Kids Bad Financial Habits

Parents lead by example. If your kids are picking up your bad financial habits, help yourself, and them, by doing money the right way.

6 Beauty Rules You Should Be Breaking

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder — the most important one being you! Stop getting hung up on these silly beauty rules.

SunTrust Secured Credit Card with Cash Rewards Review

A secured card with cash rewards and other benefits? Yes, they do exist!

Youth and Money: Finding the Frugal Balance

People who are living on their own for the first time have some of the smallest budgets — and biggest plans. Here's how to enjoy your money now AND later.

10 frugal things to try before you die (updated)

Well, I say frugal but some of these cross that line from frugality into something less honorable. But hey, live a little. We all have to try new things sometimes. [more]

The 5 Best Contour Powders

Make your skin look flawless by using the right contour powder for your face. Any of these five best contour powders are great choices!

This Is How Much a "Rent-to-Own" TV Really Costs

You know buying through "rent-to-own" is probably not a great deal. It's much, much worse than that.

Love Travel, But Hate Airline Miles? Try AmEx's Blue Sky Preferred

Credit card issuers are replacing complex airline mile rewards with flexible statement credits. Is AMEX's Blue Sky Preferred the best of the bunch?

10 Easy Veggies to Plant This Spring

Yes, you CAN grow your own food. These easy-to-grow herbs and vegetables will thrive even if you've got the blackest of thumbs.

Here's How to Deduct Charitable Donations on Your Taxes

Follow the rules if you want a tax break for charitable contributions. The IRS isn't so charitable with audits.

Why "Opportunity" Funds Are the New Emergency Funds

Sometimes the only thing between saving a lot and saving nothing at all is a turn of phrase.

Lessons We Can Learn From Blockbuster's Demise

As the video giant Blockbuster files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, marketing experts everywhere are asking the same question: what went wrong?

5 Questions to Ask Before Signing Up for a New Credit Card

Getting a new credit might mean more rewards, or just a better utilization ratio. Just be sure you understand the ins and outs before you sign.

The World's 4 Biggest Credit Card Scams

Credit card scammers never rest. Learn about four of the most notorious credit card scams — and what you can do to protect you and your credit.