Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Ways to Prevent a Debt Spiral

Be the master of your fate when it comes to conquering credit card debt.

10 Money-Saving Gifts to Put on Your Wedding Registry

Start newlyweds on the right financial path with one of these thoughtful wedding gifts that celebrates the union with many happy returns.

4 Ways to Bug Your Boss for More Money – and Get It!

Before you blow off the idea that your work is worth a bump in the pay scale, check out these four clever tips for putting in a good word about your worth.

10 Ways to Make Your Own Ice Cream (and Other Frozen Treats)

Buying an ice-cream maker is just one option for making delicious, homemade frozen treats. Discover 10 great ways to make ice cream, sorbet, and more.

Are You Frugal or Cheap?

Saving money is great — but sometimes, it can be taken too far. Are you crossing the line from savvy frugality into miserly cheapness?

7 Ways Paying Off Student Loans Early Can Boost Your Finances

Did college cost you a pretty penny? If you work hard to pay off those loans, you'll reap the benefits of a huge financial boost.

20 Tips for Getting Your Security Deposit Back

Here are the tips I've garnered for how to rent well and get your money back.

Tips for Joining an Excellent Startup Company

So you want to be one of the first employees at the next Google? Read on for some tips to finding a great startup company to join and have a glance into the startup culture

Knowing Your Triggers Can Prevent Emotional Spending

They don't call it "retail therapy" for nothing. Uncontrolled, emotional spending has a lot in common with other addicitons and eating disorders. One of these shared traits is the

Ask the Readers: What Do You Look For in a Car?

Tell us what you look for in a car and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Financial Peace in Hard Times

Six months ago, I had plans. Lots of them. Career plans. Vacation plans. Financial plans. Then everything fell apart. My mother became ill. She had already been ill, having been di

Comparing Online Backup Services

There are a number of online backup services to choose from. Here are a few of the most popular online backup services and how they rate when compared against one another.

The Best Credit Cards That Offer Free WiFi For Travelers

Make sure you can get online when you are away from home with these credit cards that include free WiFi.

7 Skills Today's Employers Value Most

In today's world, a college degree will only get you so far. Here's what employers are really looking for.

11 Easy Memory Hacks

Start remembering more of the stuff that matters with this collection of simple — and surprising — memory enhancement tricks.

Buying Gifts for a Family with Many Children

When a first child is born, the celebrations abound. By the time the third and fourth arrive, people seem to care less. Should they?

11 Ways a Professional Association Can Boost Your Career

A professional association is a great tool to make new friends, learn new things, and most importantly, boost your career.

10 Productivity Hacks From a Work-at-Home Mom

A person who manages to work at home while caring for several children under age 5? Well, that's someone who has a few good time-saving suggestions.

Pop That Corkage: A Cross-country BYO Roundup

BYOB is all the rage right now! Find out where you can bring your own wine to dinner in your favorite cities.

6 Ways to Get More Done on Airplanes

Flying can feel like a waste of time. Whether you're a business traveler or just want to be productive, follow these tips to make working in-flight work right.