Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

7 Ways to Reuse Clothes That No Longer Fit

Dust off those ill-fitting clothes taking up space in your closet and give them a new purpose!

11 Life Skills That Are Now Completely Obsolete

Oh, how the times have changed — and not always for the better. Today's tech has all but rendered these once-crucial life skills obsolete.

12 Fun Facts About Valentine's Day Spending

Fun fact: we spend a lot of money on Valentine's Day gifts — with the U.S. spending $1.5 billion on greeting cards alone!

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Alternative Thanksgiving Traditions?

Tell us about your alternative Thanksgiving traditions and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Depressing Jobs That Aren't Worth the Money

There are a lot of ways to earn your keep, but not all of them are good for mind, body, and soul. Do you work one of these depressing gigs?

The 5 Best Hair Growth Supplements

Promote healthier locks and repair damaged hair with the right hair growth supplement, like one of these best five choices.

12 Crucial Things Homebuyers Overlook at Open Houses

Know the difference between the things that matter and those that don't, when looking at an open house.

Here's Why Credit Scores and Reports Are Not the Same

Do you know the difference between a credit score and a credit history? You need to — here's how to break it down.

The 5 Best Acne Treatments

Give your skin a healthy and clear glow with the right acne treatment. Any of these five best acne treatments are good choices!

Is Long Term Care Insurance Worth It?

Nursing homes aren't cheap. Long-term care insurance may be one way to help afford your future senior care.

9 Essential Personal Finance Skills to Teach Your Kid Before They Move Out

Your child is ready to leave the nest. Have you armed them with the right money skills they need to flourish?

The 5 Best Stay-At-Home Kitchen Essentials

Since we're all spending more time at home, it's important to have a well-stocked kitchen and helpful tools to make lots of delicious meals.

7 Ways to Make Money With Friends

Wish you could work with people you actually like? You can — just try one of these ideas for earning cash with your buds.

How to Turn Your Expertise Into a Side Hustle

Now that you've become an expert in a certain subject, why not make some money sharing what you know?

5 Ways Self Storage Units Are More Sad Museums Than Savvy Solutions

This week I did an intervention on Sarah, one of my dearest friends. Sarah has a substance abuse problem -- but not with drugs. Sarah has a problem with self storage.

Ask the Readers: What Helps You Feel Better When You're Sick?

Tell us about the things that help you feel better when you're sick and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Sell All Your Stuff and Travel the World

Dreaming of getting rid of everything you own and becoming a globe-trotter? This is how you can actually make it happen.

4 Paint Colors That Can Boost Your Home's Value

Want a quick, easy way to raise the value of your home? The right color paint in the right room can do the trick.

Ask the Readers: Do You Have a Garden for Vegetables?

Tell us about your vegetable garden and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Travel Full-Time for $17,000 a Year (or Less!)

For the last five years, one writer has traveled full-time on the cheap. Discover how she did it, and how you can too.