Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Are Rebates Worthy of You?

Rebates may sound like a great deal, especially when you are trying to save money, but are they really worth your time?

5 Ways to Cash in on Romantic Gifts From Exes

Don't let that old jewelry from your horrible ex collect dust when it could be making you some cold, hard cash.

4 Unexpected Costs of a Higher-Paying Job Offer

Accepting a higher-paying job offer is an automatic "yes," right? Not exactly — here's why you may want to turn the money down.

Frugal Tip: Do Not Spend When You Are Sad

Have you ever paid more than you normally would for something when you are trying to cheer yourself up? A recent study showed that a group of people who were sad offered almost fo

5 Ways to Break Your Social Media Habit

Spending more time with your virtual community than with your real one? Discover how to limit your likes, shares, and tweets and regain control of your time.

Get a Grip on Your Debt: How to Obtain a Clear, Concise Financial Snapshot

Before we can tackle our debt problems, we need to know from where we are starting.

Amazing AAA Discounts

AAA membership isn't just for getting your flat fixed or getting towed. Learn about the hundreds of additional discounts that every AAA member has.

8 Easy Health and Fitness Tricks for Travelers

Don't kiss healthy habits goodbye just because you're on vacation! Try these simple routines to stay fit when you're far from home.

7 Tricks for Enjoying Fine Dining on a Budget

While Spago doesn't offer a Blue Plate Special, you can dine there and still make your rent. You just need to know when to go and where to sit.

Making a Relationship Work When One Partner Earns More

In most relationships, one partner earns more money than the other. Learn how to prevent it from becoming a source of tension.

10 Great Side Jobs for Extroverts

If you're a people person, then these side jobs are right up your alley.

Ask the Readers: Are You Wearing a Costume for Halloween This Year?

Tell us whether you're wearing a costume this Halloween and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Ways to Beat the Sunday Night Blues

The weekend is coming — hooray! Extend it to all the way to Monday morning by making Sunday night all about you and not about the week ahead.

Easy weekend business: sell used books

When I started blogging I wrote an article about saving money in college. In this article I wrote that I made money by selling used books. Some people were curious as to how I co

Best Money Tips: Effective Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Fast

Today we found articles on effective ways to pay off your mortgage fast, simple ways to fend off colds and flus, and over 100 ways to save money on your wedding.

Make Your Escape With These 14 Affordable Weekend Getaways

Travel is a great way to unwind and gain some fresh perspective. Get both, without spending a lot of money (nor precious vacation days), with a quick weekend away from home.

Who Should Pay for the First Date?

If you're dating, the rules of who pays the first time you meet can get murky. One writer clarifies the situation (hint: always bring your wallet).

11 Investing Tips You Wish You Could Tell Your Younger Self

If you could go back 20 years and give your younger you some investment advice, would it echo any of these 11 pearls of financial wisdom?

The Surprising Way Birth Order Decides Your Money Habits

Can't figure out why you keep making the same money mistakes? Your birth order might be to blame.

Fantasy Football Leagues in the Workplace?

It’s that time again. Football fans are gearing up for the excitement of a new season. The rest of the world is prepping for how to deal with it. And Football Fantasy Leagues ar