Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What's the Right Percentage of Cash for Your Portfolio?

Cash can play an important role when it comes to investing, but it can also slow overall portfolio growth. What's stability actually worth?

All the Modern Ways You Can Order Pizza

Using a telephone to order a pizza is so 10 years ago. These days, all you need to have a fresh pie delivered to your door is an emoji.

What's the big deal about banks refusing to lend?

Anybody--but especially frugal people--can be excused for thinking that the whole credit crisis thing is being overblown. After all, we get along without debt. In fact, we str

Ask the Readers: What Big Purchase Has Helped You Save Money?

Tell us about a big purchase that has helped you save money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Things the United States Should Copy From Other Countries

The United States has a lot to recommend it, but there's always room for improvement. Let's look abroad for better ways of doing things and and start improving.

Knowing When to Walk Away: Financial Planning for an Unknown Ending

People have a notion that they must amass a certain amount of money, no matter how long it takes, before they can retire. But what if it took you 40 years of work to reach $1 milli

These 5 Money-Saving Hacks Are a Huge Waste of Time

When you want to save a little cash, money hacks can be great. But, beware. Some are really just swapping a few cents for your valuable time.

A Guide to Becoming a Part-Time Bicycle Commuter

Transitioning from driving to cycling is easier than you think. Find out how to select the right gear, pick safe routes, and optimize your schedule for your daily bike commute.

The High Cost of Buying a Boat

Imagining yourself relaxed and content on the deck of your very own boat? Consider the full cost before you buy.

How to Legally Sell Your Body for Money

Looking to sell some your stuff for some extra cash? Look no further than the mirror.

Big Mistakes You Can Make When Selling Your Home

Selling your home can be stressful at the best of times. To ensure the process really goes well, avoid these common blunders.

10 Life Skills for Working Moms

It's no secret balancing work and family takes skill — these life skills, in particular, should be mastered by every working mom.

Can you guess what’s in the box?

Here’s a little help. It takes two people to lift and carry the box. It measures 47.2 inches in length, 35.4 inches in height and 31.5 inches in width. It's from Europe. Oh, an

Book Review: The Post American World

Is there a link between having a modern society and having a western society? The vast economic and military power of the United States (and before that, the United Kingdom) has m

How to Make a Crappy Couch Awesome Again

That old couch ain't much to look at and it's worse to sit in, but it doesn't have to be that way. Refresh it with these simple hacks.

7 Things I'd Love to Change About Meetings

We can't rid the world of meetings, but we can make them shorter, painless, and more effective with these 7 great tips.

How Trump's Presidency Might Change Student Loans

Whether you wanted Trump to win or not, you still need to know how his presidency might affect your student loans.

Save on Last Year's Taxes Right Now

You can still save on last year's taxes right now, if you still haven't filed your income tax return yet.

101 Little Things You Can Fix Right Now!

Whether you're on hold with customer service or just have an extra minute or two, tackle one of these projects RIGHT NOW to make your life more awesome.

Do You Spend More with Cash or Credit?

I totaled up all my credit card expenses in 2010 to try to figure out if I spent more using credit than I would have with cash. Here's what I found.