Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

6 Tips for Spring Cleaning on a Budget

The spring cleaning season is here. But consumers don't have to clean out their wallets in order to make the annual event a success.

How to Get the Lowest Price on Airfare, Even After You Buy

Here are some tips to help you track flight prices easily, keep an eye out for price drops, and even get a refund if you’ve bought your ticket already.

Decked out in... dog? More reasons to boycott Chinese goods

Thinking of boycotting Chinese goods? I know I've been pondering it for a while, but I'm definitely struggling with the idea, knowing how hard it will be. Here's something that mig

Living within your means isn't nasty

How bad could things get? The New York Times asked that question about the economic situation. It's a good question, but they gave a really bad answer.

8 Financial Lessons From Adele

When you're the world's most popular songstress, you spend pretty much whatever, right? Not if you're a frugalista like Adele.

Try These 6 Money-Saving Challenges Now

If you're beginning to waver on this year's resolution to save more money, hold fast. Try one of these challenges to get re-focused.

Comparing Online Backup Services

There are a number of online backup services to choose from. Here are a few of the most popular online backup services and how they rate when compared against one another.

11 Smoothie Bowls You Want Right Now

All the wholesomeness of a hearty breakfast with the creamy coolness of ice cream; behold the (frugal) smoothie bowl!

16 Great Tax Deductions You May Have Overlooked

Many people miss out on these big tax deductions, adjustments, and credits. Are you one of them?

4 Ways Being Passive Kills Your Job Prospects

The job interview process can be hard. Don't let passive, uncertain acts destroy your chances of landing the job.

Your Stressful Job May Be… Making You Healthier?

We all know that stress does not do a body good... Or does it?

Principal Forgiveness: The New BofA Mortgage Deal

Starting next month (May 2010) or as soon as its ready, Bank of America may reduce principal balances on certain mortgages of deeply underwater loans. What's up with that?

The 10 Most Creative Ways to Avoid Airline Fees (Like Wearable Suitcases)

How far is too far to go when it comes to avoiding airline fees?

Are You a Doormat? 17 Things Assertive People Never Say

There's nothing wrong with being easy-going, but if too many of these phrases are familiar, you may be selling yourself short. Start stepping up!

13 Dumb Little Purchases You Need to Stop Making Today

All small purchases add up quickly and ruin budgets, but these wastes are just silly — or even harmful. Find out what not to buy.

3 Ways Retirees Can Build Credit

When you retire, many of life's little worries melt away. Unfortunately, worrying about your credit score doesn't.

11 Easy Memory Hacks

Start remembering more of the stuff that matters with this collection of simple — and surprising — memory enhancement tricks.

Should We Pay $2 Per Pound for Garbage Disposal?

In many European countries, citizens have to pay for their garbage disposal based on weight or volume. Could it work in the U.S.?

23 Tips for Traveling With Pets

Traveling with a pet can be a challenge, but with the right itinerary and gear, everyone can enjoy the trip, whether they make it on two legs or four.

10 Gardening Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Finally, my black thumb has turned green, and I can pick fresh vegetables for our dinner several nights a week. Learn from my trial and error.