Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Signs You Aren't Saving Enough for Retirement

Do you get the sinking feeling you aren't saving enough for retirement? You probably aren't.

4 New Reasons You Need an Emergency Fund

You've heard it all before: You need an emergency fund. See if these new persuaders don't convince you.

2-Minute Guide: How to Use Balance Transfers to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Balance transfers can help you out of debt in a hurry. Here's how to use them to clear that credit card debt.

6 Common Debt Reduction Roadblocks — And How to Beat Them

Excuses are the enemy of debt reduction. Don't let yourself get stopped by one of these repayment roadblocks.

The 5 Best Bluetooth Keyboards

Love your smartphone or tablet except when you have to type on it? If so, these Bluetooth keyboards may be the solution you've been looking for.

6 Ways Climate Change Could Affect Your Money

Earth's climate is changing and it's going to cost you.

How to Rack Up Extra Rewards Points by Buying Gift Cards

Buying gift cards could be the key to earning extra rewards points.

6 Ways to Save Money on Eyeglasses

Before you fork out big dollars, read our tips for saving big on your eye care expenses!

8 Tips for Going Back to School as an Adult

There's a lot more life in the way when you return to school as an adult. Here's a crash course in making it work.

5 Unexpected Benefits of Secured Credit Cards

Secured credit cards can help build or rebuild credit — but you may be surprised by the other benefits they offer, too.

8 Ways to Keep Boredom from Destroying Your Budget

When there's nothing to do, it’s tempting to fill that void with something that costs money. Learn how to avoid those budget-busting boredom traps.

8 Surprising Ways to Pay Off Your Student Loans

Get tough on student loan repayment with a little help from some unexpected places.

Ask the Readers: Would You Rather Rent or Buy a Home?

Tell us if you would rather rent or buy a home and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How to Sell a Home Without a Traditional Agent

Real estate agents take a hefty commission from your home sale. Want to avoid that financial hit? You can sell your home without a traditional agent.

4 Easy Ways to Get Richer In 2018

A new year is a fresh start for your finances. Make these small money moves now, and you'll end 2018 richer than you started it.

Book Review: Early Retirement Extreme

Think you can live on one-tenth of your current income? If you're ready to downsize, this book can help you retire long before you ever thought possible.

How to Talk to Friends and Family About Money (Without Making Everyone Mad)

Most of us would rather get a tooth pulled than talk about money with friends and family. Here's how to make the money talk painless.

7 Great Sources of Financial Aid for Switching Careers

Higher education doesn't have to be out of reach. With these grants, scholarships, and fellowships, you can afford to train for a brighter future.

Money Management in 5 Minutes a Day

Day-to-day money management doesn't need to take a ton of time. Here are some key steps and tools that'll help you create a super-efficient system.

This Is How You Rent Your Place on Airbnb — and Succeed

A Wise Bread writer and super-successful micro-subletter shares tips and advice on living large on a small hospitality business — and you can too.