Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Classes That Can Pay for Themselves

Want to learn something new — and invest in your future? From crafting to business, these great classes have the potential to pay for themselves.

Save Money and Eat Better With These 6 Online Meal Planners

Hate meal planning but want to save on fast food? These sites will help.

31 Reasons Why I'm in Love With Thrift Shopping (and You Should Be Too)

Oh thrift store, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

Flashback Friday: 52 Money Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

Making a few money mistakes in your 20s is fine, but these bonehead errors should really stop happening by your 30s and beyond.

6 Big Ways ATMs Are Changing

The local ATM you know and love might be changing — for the better! Here's how banks are teaching the venerable ATM some new tricks.

20 Valentine's Day Gifts for $10 or Less

These inexpensive Valentine's Day gifts are so much more than frugal — they're super thoughtful and exquisitely romantic.

Why is it so expensive to be healthy?

Walmart is where lower income consumers come to shop. Why? Because you get the most bang for your buck. Walmart is also notorious for having the fattest customers. Why? It comes ba

Happy (Financial) Independence Day

Today, as we celebrate, let's take a vow to be financially independent.

When Should You Say No to Those Who Want to Borrow Money from You?

I think most of us have been asked to lend money to someone we know. No matter how close you are with the potential borrower, there are certain situations when you just have to sa

6 Pearls of Career Wisdom From Brian Tracy

Find yourself stumbling down your career path? We've collected some favorite tips from motivational expert Brian Tracy to get you back on track.

How to Build a Downsized Wardrobe You Love

Maximize your look while minimizing your wardrobe (and spending on clothing) with a few simple rules that match your clothes to your lifestyle.

The Secret to Better Money Management May Be in Your Past

Those sepia-toned remembrances of your past self aren't just for afternoon daydreams — you can turn them into powerful motivators, too.

6 Apps Every Dad Needs

Raising kids is a job in and of itself. Make a Dad's life easier with these great productivity tools for busy dads.

Help From a Former Pack Rat: Getting Rid of Stuff

Sometimes, the line between "frugal" and "pack rat" can seem oh so fine. Here's what helped me overcome my pack rat tendencies.

7 Websites for Free Video Games

Whether for nostalgia or to satisfy your craving for video games, these sites offer hours and hours of retro and throwback time wasters.

How to get half-price dining from your local TV station.

Did you know that your local TV and radio stations regularly receive gift certificates as “payment” for air time? Believe it or not, retailers and restaurants are actually exchangi

8 Totally Free Things You Can Sell on eBay

Odds are, you probably have one or more of these totally free items hanging around your house (or backyard). They can fetch a profit on eBay!

5 Powerful Reasons Companies Should Offer More Wellness Programs to Keep Their Employees Healthier and Happier

Healthy, happy employees are great for the bottom line. Boost morale and productivity with an employer-sponsored wellness program!

4 Keys to an Early Retirement

Does it seem like it's taking forever to get to the point where you can stop working? Here's how to get on the fast track to early retirement.

6 Inspiring Quotes About Money From Successful Women

Use these inspiring words of wisdom from female finance pros to boost your bottom line.