Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Microdermabrasion Products

Keeping your skin healthy and clear isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these microdermabrasion products and your face will always look fab.

Money making hobby: panning for gold

Lately many Californians have been heading to the rivers and streams to prospect for gold. The increase in people taking up this activity has some newspapers writing about "the new

How to Be Happy and Married: 24 Tips from a 24-Year-Old Marriage

My husband and I celebrated our 24th anniversary last week. Here are a few things I've learned about having a happy, long-lasting marriage.

10 Little Words That Will Get You the Best Price, Every Time

There's nothing complicated about getting the best price — you just need to know what to say.

How to Choose the Perfect Country to Retire In

Choosing which country to retire in can be tough. Here's how to ensure you make the right decision.

9 Actions to Take When You're Denied a Credit Limit Increase

You want a higher credit limit, but your lender isn't on board. Some smart money moves now can solve this problem before you ask again.

11 Ways to Have Fun at Your In-Laws

Visiting in-laws can be emotionally and physically draining. Learn ways to enjoy yourself and your family despite holiday and travel stress.

8 IKEA Shopping Tricks

Navigate the world's largest furniture retailer like a pro with these savvy money-saving hacks. (Don't forget to stop for the Swedish meatballs.)

Fitness Resolutions: How Much Will Your New Exercise Routine Cost?

If you're like many Americans, you made a resolution to get fit this year. Here's how much it'll cost with some popular workouts.

Using Time Horizons to Make Smarter Investments

A time horizon is the length of time you can leave money in an investment before you need it. Apply this concept to improve your financial health, now and later.

How an HSA Could Help Your Retirement

You know socking money into a 401(k) or IRA will help fund your retirement years. An HSA could help, too.

8 Things You Should Never Hide From Your Landlord

Renting a place to live? After you sign that lease, you'll need to provide full disclosure on certain things.

16 Ways to Use Up Leftover Champagne

Don't pour last night's leftover champagne down the drain! Save it to use as a key ingredient in cocktails, desserts, soups, hair care, and more.

I Pay for Things You Get for Free

Yup, I pay for things you get for free...and I save a lot of money in the process. Here's how you can do it too.

7 Fastest Ways to Recover From Holiday Overspending

Have you already blown the holiday budget for this year? Here's how to get back on track.

12 Cool Ways to Make Treasure Out of Trash

One man's trash... you know the saying. Make your own treasures with the things you'd typically kick to the curb.

How Projection Bias Could Be Destroying Your Finances

Grocery shopping while hungry is more than just a bad habit. It's wrecking your finances.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Top Savings Goal?

Tell us about your top savings goal and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

5 Sneaky Ways Supermarkets Get You to Spend More

Want to know how grocery stores are parting you from your hard-earned cash? Learn about these supermarket psychology tricks.

Homebrewed Beer: Make Your Own and Save Money?

Can you save money by making your own beer? Is it worth the effort?