Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

How to Be Happy and Married: 24 Tips from a 24-Year-Old Marriage

My husband and I celebrated our 24th anniversary last week. Here are a few things I've learned about having a happy, long-lasting marriage.

14 Gift Ideas for the Truly Broke

What can you give during the holidays when you're tumbleweed-rolling-in-your-wallet broke? Look to skills for inspiration.

Does Divorce Affect Your Student Loans?

Divorce can be a difficult financial situation — and even more so, unfortunately, if student loans are involved.

10 Golden Rules of Personal Finance Everyone Should Know

These 10 money truths will set you on the right path to financial enlightenment.

9 Actions to Take When You're Denied a Credit Limit Increase

You want a higher credit limit, but your lender isn't on board. Some smart money moves now can solve this problem before you ask again.

Fitness Resolutions: How Much Will Your New Exercise Routine Cost?

If you're like many Americans, you made a resolution to get fit this year. Here's how much it'll cost with some popular workouts.

11 Good Money Habits That Will Keep You Out of Debt

If you live life following these good money habits, you'll never find yourself facing debt.

6 Things You Might Miss in Your Credit Card's Fine Print

Did you read the fine print before you signed up for that credit card? You should have: What you don't know might hurt you.

6 Products That Cost More for Women Than for Men

Ever notice that blue razors cost less than pink ones? Stop letting gender-based packaging and marketing sabotage your budget.

6 Ways to Bounce Back After a Work Mistake

Everybody makes mistakes. Don't make them worse by bungling the follow up.

5 Obstacles You Can Expect on Your Journey to Financial Freedom

The road to financial freedom is paved with good intentions — and there are a few potholes along the way, too.

15 Cool DIY Home Improvements for $50 or Less

You don't need a second mortgage to update your place. Give your home a quick and easy makeover with these inexpensive fixer-uppers.

Jumpstart Your Job Search With Instagram

Instagram is a lot of fun, but it can also be used strategically to help you land your next job. Really!

Why Your Credit Score Matters in Retirement

Just because you've left the working world behind, doesn't mean you can leave the credit world behind. Here's how to keep your credit score golden, too.

8 Most Common Mistakes When Doing a Balance Transfer to Eliminate Debt

Balance transfer cards can be a great tool to pay off your debt faster, but there are also costly errors you should try to avoid.

6 Mosquito-Repellent Plants With a Dual Purpose

These inexpensive herbs and flowers can add decoration to your garden and flavor to your meals...and they just happen to deter mosquitoes too!

Delicious Ways to Prepare Affordable White Fish

Fish has plenty of protein and fewer calories than other meats — plus it's easy on the budget. Discover delicious ways to prepare frugal white fish.

Ask the Readers: What Is Your Top Savings Goal?

Tell us about your top savings goal and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Why Savings Account Interest Rates Are So Low

Five or six years ago it was easy to find a savings account that paid 4% or 5%. Today, 1% or less is the norm. What happened?

10 Steps to Update Your Look on a Budget

Have nothing to wear? Use this simple plan to update your wardrobe without breaking the bank.