Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Money in Your Yard: How to Sell Palm Trees For Cash

Palm trees are ubiquitous in California and other states with a warm climate. Although they are beautiful trees, some homeowners find them to be a nuisance because they require rou

10 Ways to Combat "Impostor Syndrome"

Impostor syndrome — that feeling of being a fake in high stakes social situations — often stands in the way of success. Don't let it.

17 Uses for Stale Bread

Using up leftover bread is not only frugal, it's delicious. Make sure you eat every last crumb of that aging loaf with these recipes.

30+ Cash Back Sites to Earn You Thousands Per Year

Cash back sites and apps let you save and even earn cash in unique ways. Try one of these sites on your next shopping trip!

30 Household Products Vinegar Can Replace

Vinegar has at least 30 uses that make it a viable alternative to many household and personal products. Save money — the natural way, with vinegar.

How Long Does It Take to Break Even With Solar Panels?

If you're worried about the cost of installing solar panels, know that'll you'll break even … and maybe sooner than you think.

Europe has the Euro. Are you ready for The Amero?

Hold onto your hats. (Or should that be dollars?) The Amero is coming. I’ve heard a lot of talk over the last few years about a new currency called the Amero that will replace dollars and pesos. [more]

The 5 Best Acne Treatments

Give your skin a healthy and clear glow with the right acne treatment. Any of these five best acne treatments are good choices!

9 Essential Personal Finance Skills to Teach Your Kid Before They Move Out

Your child is ready to leave the nest. Have you armed them with the right money skills they need to flourish?

How to Get Your Car Ready for Hurricane Season

Prepping for hurricane season? Don't forget your car; it could literally save your life in a storm.

The 12 Best Weekend Activities for Introverts

Enjoy your weekend the wallflower way, no party animal antics required. What are your solo plans for the weekend?

Tariffs: What They Are and How They Impact Your Finances

Tariffs have been in the news a lot lately. What are they, exactly, and what will they mean for your money?

Best Ways to Count (and Cash in) Your Change

Try these free, fast, and easy options to turn coins into cash.

Top 6 Reasons Why Using Cash-Only Rocks

While I am a cash-only person by circumstance (paid off the credit cards and never reopened accounts), I am so grateful that I live in a cash world.

Ask the Readers: What's Your Best Experience With Customer Service?

Tell us about your best experience with customer service and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Mind Control Guru Can Pay With Blank Sheets of Paper

Using the power of your own mind against you is quite a scam and requires little to no set up, no partners, and no real props. See how Derren Brown does it.

The Bank Christmas Tree

What are we teaching our children about wants and needs this Christmas? At my local bank branch the 'give to the needy' Christmas tree has reached new levels of tackiness.

Ask the Readers: What Helps You Relax?

Tell us what helps you relax and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: What New Skill Would You Like to Learn?

Tell us about a new skill you would like to learn and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

How Emergency Medical Coverage Could Save Your Vacation

Travel insurance through a credit card can help protect your trip, but will it protect you if you face pricey medical bills abroad?