Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

The 5 Best Blenders

From smoothies to soups and more, the blender is an indispensable kitchen tool. Check out our guide to the best ones on the market.

7 Reasons to Get Spring Cleaning Done During Winter

Instead of waiting until spring arrives — and wasting all the warm weather — get your spring cleaning done early when you're stuck inside.

Ask the Readers: Do You See Movies in the Theater?

Tell us if you see movies in the theater and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save on Transportation?

Tell us about how you save on transportation and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

A Comprehensive Guide to the Envelope System

Whether you're intimidated by budgeting or are just looking for a new technique, the simple and effective envelope system can make budgeting oh-so-easy.

How Baking Soda Took My Bathroom from “Yuck” to Yes!

Thinking of jumping on the “all-natural” cleaning bandwagon? Leary of the results? Addicted to your own brand-name cleaning habit? Take a look at these startling before and afte

8 Times You Should Never Feel Guilty at Work

Has something at work recently left you feeling guilty? Here's the green light to shrug off those feelings.

How to Take the World's Most Efficient Shower

When your hot water's lacking but your body odor isn't, clean off fast with this quick, water saving shower technique.

The Best Places to Get Coupons Online

Your guide to the best places to find coupons online.

25 Ways to Lower Your Grocery Bill

Combine a few of these 25 surefire grocery shopping tricks, and you'll experience substantial savings — while still eating healthy, delicious food.

Spice Up the Conversation by Skipping "What Do You Do?"

The next time you meet someone new, don't do the usual and ask, "So, what do you do?" Instead, ask, "What excites you?"

How to Manage Student Loans On a Low Income

Juggling student loan payments with other bills can sometimes seem impossible if you're making a low salary. But it can be done.

Party Like It's 19.99: The Psychology of Pricing

Does the store you're shopping at want to be seen as a bargain? A purveyor of luxury goods? A renegade? The answer is in the last two digits of the price.

15 Ways to Make Money on Halloween

Instead of spending money on a costume and decor, why not make a little extra cash this Halloween? Don't be afraid of a little side hustle!

Eight Natural Ways to Make Water More Flavorful

The main reason that people don't drink water is that it is tasteless and not very "fun" to drink. On the other hand, water is considered more healthy than sodas so

6 Ways the Government Helps Disaster Victims Recover

The government is playing a vital role in helping disaster victims get back on their feet. Find out how your tax dollars work!

Bulk Buying Basics: What to Buy, How to Store, and Money Saving Tips

If you have the storage space, buying in bulk can save you money and time. Here's what you need to know before you get started.

The 10 Commandments of Reaching Financial Freedom

We all want to reach financial freedom, but there are rules we need to follow in order to get there.

7 Easy Ways to Calculate Your New Car Budget

A shiny new set of wheels can really loosen your purse strings. Don't hit the dealership without knowing what you can truly afford.

25 Ways to Make Money Today

Need some cash now? Want to make a few extra bucks to buy something that isn't in your budget this month? Here are 25 ideas to get you started.