Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Tips for Back-to-School Shopping?

Tell us your tips for back-to-school shopping and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Can Saying Thanks More Make You Rich?

We all know saying "thank you" is polite. But true gratitude can actually make your finances (and life!) a little sunnier.

Flashback Friday: 45 Life Lessons You'd Give to Your Younger Self

If only you could go back in time, here's everything you'd tell your younger self.

Best Money Tips: 5 Ways You're Overpaying for Health Care

Today we found articles on ways you’re spending too much on health care, how to optimize your workspace, and why sales tax holidays are not as great as they sound.

11 Affordable Ways to Stay Cool in the Summer Heat

Summer's not over yet and there's still plenty of hot days to get through before Fall arrives. Stay cool with these simple, frugal ways to chill from POPSUGAR.

New Isn't Always Better: 12 Used Things to Love

Buying used usually costs less and that's always a plus. Even better -- some goods really do get better with age.

How to Move From Being Busy to Actually Getting Things Done

Being busy feels good — but it's not the same as being productive. Here's how to slow the pace and still get more done.

37 Hidden Travel Fees You've Probably Paid But Shouldn't Have

On your next trip, keep your wallet and your calculator close, and carry this list to help you spot the hidden fees on everything from water to Wi-Fi.

Job Hunting Tips for the Recently Fired (and Some for the Rest of Us, Too)

Job hunting is hard, but for those who have been fired, it's a real struggle. Here's how to put the past behind and move on with a new gig.

Network Marketing Parties: Opportunity or Emotional Blackmail?

The crux of network party-marketing: feelings. Should your emotions enter into your shopping experience? At these parties, I have experienced the feeling of largesse because I coul

Best Money Tips: Save Money at the Gas Pump

Today we found some awesome articles on saving money at the pump, plugging your financial leaks, and conversation starters that make mingling fun.

You're Blocking Your Own Success — Here's How to Stop

The emotional baggage we carry — our expectations, our pasts, our fears — weigh us down and hold us back. Learn how to move forward.

12 Delicious Soups You Can Make From Leftovers

Whether you've got a lot of leftovers or only a little, use one of these delicious recipes to turn yesterday's meal into today's delicious soup — and save!

Is the Corporate Career Track Right for You?

A good job with a big company is the dream of many recent grads. Before you find your spot in the cubicle farm, consider some pros and cons.

Keep Your Family Safe with these 6 Must-Have Smartphone Apps

Whether you have kids, pets, or just hang out alone, we’ve got the scoop on the most effective applications designed to help you live a healthy, happier home life!

Financial IQ Test: How Healthy is Your Life Insurance Plan?

 What kind of life insurance policy do you have? Do you understand the terms? Are you getting the most bang for your insurance buck? Check out this Financial IQ Test to see

They Offered You a Promotion and No Pay Raise. Now What?

These days, a shiny new job title doesn't always mean more money. Weigh your options before you accept a promotion without a pay raise.

Here's How Investing in Companies You Hate Can Make You Rich

Forget "buy what you like." If you hate it, invest in it.

Black Friday Tips From Money-Saving Experts

Black Friday is not the day for casual browsing! If you're going to shop, either online or in the store, use these tips from the Internet's top savings experts to prepare.

10 Scams to Avoid in 2011

Most of us work hard for our money, and last year, scammers worked hard to take it away from us. Here are last year's top scams and how to avoid them.