Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Booking Got Bumped? Your Vacation Cancellation Recourse

What happens if the vendors of your vacation package change your plans? Here are some guidelines for what you can do.

Best Money Tips: Ways to Get Ahead at Work

Today we found some great articles on ways to get ahead at work, alternative financial resolutions, and ways to motivate yourself.

10 Tasty and Frugal Chickpea Recipes

You might know chickpeas as "garbanzo beans." Whatever you call them, they're versatile, affordable, and most of all, delicious!

Ask The Readers: What is Your Personal Finance "Story?" (A Chance to Win $10!)

Everyone is writing a book these days (even a few personal finance blogs we know.. *ahem*). If you could, what would you call it? What would you cover? Answer for your chance to

Best Money Tips: What to Buy at Drugstores

Today we found some awesome articles on what to buy at drugstores, money-saving tips to afford college, and ways to protect your identity.

Super Doubles Are Back at Kmart

Are Super Double coupons at Kmart worth the time and hassle involved? Sometimes you never know until you're done shopping. But following a few simple tips can help stack the odds i

10 Popular Life Hacks That Don't Actually Work

Everybody loves a good labor-saving, clever shortcut, right? Unless it's one of these clever shortcuts that wind up costing you more time or money — or both!

Ask the Readers: Have You Ever Re-Gifted?

It's a sticky subject, but something that is very common. We're talking regifting, and with the economy making shopping new a little bit harder than last year, it's something that

Best Money Tips: Reduce Your Food Expenses

Today we found some great articles on tax day freebies, reducing your food expenses, and steps to investing in yourself.

Extended Car Warranties: 3 Things to Know

Extended car warranties can keep you from wrecking the family budget. But you need to shop them as carefully as you do your car. Here are three things to look for.

These Are the 4 Terms You Need to Know to Get Started in Stocks

Don't know your P/E from your EPS? That's OK — catch up on the basics here, and you'll become a savvier investor.

Home Reverse Mortgaged? Here's How to Sell It

Reverse mortgages are growing in demand as the population ages. This means more of these homes will be hitting the market, too.

10 Smart Ways to Make Yourself Love Saving Money

Saving money is hard, especially if your savings goals are big. Make saving fun with some simple motivational strategies.

7 Simple Ways to Get Motivated for Your Workout

Getting up the gumption may be the hardest part about about staying fit. Try these simple gumption getters the next time you need some.

6 Easy Tricks to Become Instantly More Likeable

Win friends and influence people with these simple techniques of the charming.

'Tis the Season for Decluttering: Why and How To Do It

Forget spring cleaning — the last week of the year is the best time to clean house. Here's why.

5 Ways the Ebola Outbreak Could Hurt the Economy — And Your Wallet

While you probably don't have to worry contracting Ebola yourself, the deadly virus certainly may infect your finances.

6 Perks You Should Be Demanding From Your Employer

If the checker at your local Wegman's is getting tuition paid by the company, shouldn't you be, too?

15 Personal Finance Rules You Should Be Breaking

Rules are made to be broken — even supposedly ironclad personal finance rules. Find out when it's okay to skirt money management law.

Could the Chromebook Crush Windows?

Will Google's new Chromebook make out-of-the-box operating systems like Windows and OS X obsolete? It might be nice if it did.