Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Ask the Readers: How Do You Save Money at the Movies?

Tell us how you save money at the movies and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Ways You're Being a Terrible Neighbor

Unless you enjoy being a terrible neighbor, maybe keep the sloppy parking and late night fireworks to a minimum.

Thinking of Skipping the Home Inspection? Here's What It Will Cost You

Think you can save a few bucks by skipping a home inspection? Think again.

The Case for Expensive Shoes

Many cost-conscious consumers cling to a short list of must-haves that are worth purchasing no matter the price. High-quality shoes should make the cut every recession.

Skills That Can Save You Money Part 1: Parallel Parking

See why something as basic (well, to some) as parallel parking can be a ticket to big savings.

6 Surprising Places Your Personal Info Is Shared

You protect your SSN, birth certificate, bank records, and financial documents. But watch out for these sneaky ways your personal information is shared.

6 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Plastic

Want to do your part and help the environment? Cut back on plastic by cutting out these six things.

6 Ways Your Pet Can Earn a Paycheck

Raising a fur baby isn't cheap, but if you're clever, your pet can pay you back in spades.

5 Tax Myths That Can Be Costly for Expats

If you're an expat or a digital nomad, don't let these common misconceptions about taxes come back to bite you.

The 5 Best Debt Tracking Systems

Using any of these debt tracking systems, you'll have a much easier time paying off your debt once and for all.

How to Negotiate With Confidence and Strike the Best Deal

Intimated by the thought of negotiating? Frazzled by haggling? Here are some tips to help you relax, enjoy the process, and score better deals.

7 Ways to Repurpose Your Old Christmas Tree

Before you toss that dried up Christmas tree on the sidewalk, give it new life instead!

10 Money Goals All 30-Somethings Should Have

You're not 29 anymore. Do you have your act together, financially?

9 Costly Things New Homeowners Don't Prepare For

Buying a home can be one of the most exciting things in your life...and the most unexpectedly expensive. Discover nine things you should budget for.

6 Ways Having Your Groceries Delivered Can Save You Money

Believe it or not, having your groceries delivered right to your door can also save you big bucks.

How a Goodwill Letter Can Save Your Credit Score

One money mishap can wreck your credit score. A simple goodwill letter just might help.

The 5 Best Waterproof Laptop Cases

While these best five water proof cases won't protect your laptop from a prolonged dunking, they will protect it from a good spritzing.

20 Great Uses for a Bandana

From survival first aid to home decor, a colorful, inexpensive bandana is as versatile as it is cheap. Learn more about what a square of cotton cloth can do.

6 Ways That Job You Hate Keeps You Poor

Staying in a job you hate, even one that pays well, can hurt your finances as much as it can destroy your happiness. Start polishing your resume!

The 7 Best Credit Card Debt Elimination Strategies

You want out of credit card debt, and you want out fast. You have several options — which will work for you?