Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

5 Friend Types That Can Hurt Your Finances

Your friends can affect your finances for better or worse. Find out which money personalities to watch out for.

2-Minute Guide: How to Use Balance Transfers to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Balance transfers can help you out of debt in a hurry. Here's how to use them to clear that credit card debt.

6 Common Debt Reduction Roadblocks — And How to Beat Them

Excuses are the enemy of debt reduction. Don't let yourself get stopped by one of these repayment roadblocks.

19 Tips to Cut Costs by Using Your Oven Efficiently

The oven is not the most energy-efficient way to prepare your food. 19 tips to help you maximize your oven’s energy-efficiency, as well as to cut your cooking costs.

6 Ways Climate Change Could Affect Your Money

Earth's climate is changing and it's going to cost you.

9 Money Secrets of the Amish

The lifestyle of the Amish includes hard work and simple living — which also equals more money in the bank. Could simpler finances work for you?

10 Countries Where Banks Pay Crazy Interest Rates

If you think the interest rates of American banks are wacky, wait until you take a look at rates in these other countries.

The 5 Best Hair Serums

Keeping your hair shiny and healthy isn't easy, but it can be. Just use any of these hair serums and your mane will stay magnificent.

8 Non-Finance Skills That Will Make You a Money Master

Becoming a money master requires skills — but not necessarily financial skills.

Who saves money when you pick apples? The grower.

You won't save money picking your own apples at most U-pick orchards these days -- but you might save the orchard. We went to the country to get our own apples for $10 a pound,

What Pays More: Online Surveys or the Gig Economy?

Eager to work from home but don't know where to begin? Online surveys and paid gigs are a great place to start.

5 Places to Find Free or Cheap Mason Jars

Don't overpay for brand new canning jars! If you know where to find them, affordable used jars can help you preserve your garden bounty on the cheap.

6 Tips to Sell Your Condo Fast

If you're thinking of selling your condo, now is a great time. Use these strategies to make the process quick and painless.

4 Easy Ways to Get Richer In 2018

A new year is a fresh start for your finances. Make these small money moves now, and you'll end 2018 richer than you started it.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Shortcuts for Meal Prep?

Tell us your shortcuts for meal prep and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Building a Credit History

A good credit history can save you a small fortune over a lifetime. Here's how to build one.

Ask the Readers: What is Your Best Back-to-School Shopping Tip?

Tell us your best back-to-school shopping tip and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Should We All Just Stop Paying the Mortgage?

Should you take advantage of the $700 billion bailout plan to help struggling homeowners and stop paying your mortgage?

12 Unique Ways to Score a Job Interview

If you want to move from applicant to interviewee, don't just send a resume and cross your fingers — try one of these creative methods instead.

Best Money Tips: Simple Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

Today we found articles on simple ways to cut plastic waste, easy tips for organizing your basement, and the best time to buy a car.