Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Colorstrology and 3 Modern Décor Trends That Will Fit Any Budget

You don't need to go broke redesigning your home. These modern decor trends can transform your space for a lot less than you think.

How to Save for Retirement While Caring for Kids and Parents

In between caring for your parents and your kids, you need to care for yourself, too — especially your financial future self.

Walmart vs. Sam's Club: Who Actually Has the Better Deals?

Walmart may be rolling back prices, but certain items are cheaper at Sam's Club. Here's where to get the best deals on stuff you probably buy.

What to Eat Every Day: A Month of Frugal Meals

Planning ahead and cooking at home are two of the best ways to save money. Do both with this guide to one month of tasty, frugal meals.

What Can Retailers Do With Their Unwanted Merchandise?

A recent New York Times article reported that retailers including H&M and Walmart have been destroying perfectly good clothes that were not sold and throwing them in the trash. Th

Ask the Readers: Is Now the Time to Shop?

Are you thinking that maybe, this year is a "special" year? Do you think it may be wise to buy as soon as possible, instead of waiting out the pending Black Friday tradition and t

Can't Get Business Credit? Consider Alternative Financing

If you're losing sleep because you need cash quickly and traditional sources aren't working out for you, you should consider alternative financing.

Boost Your Home's Value With These 5 Projects

What's a bathroom addition worth to you (besides a shorter wait for the shower)? As much as 20% of your home's value!

3 Sneaky Ways Identity Thieves Can Access Your Data

Identity thieves are crafty. Get the jump on them by protecting yourself from these underhanded attacks on your identity — and your money.

28 Free Ways to Entertain Your Kids This Summer

You can make plenty of fun memories with your kids this summer and it won't cost you a thing.

Your Small Business Needs an Emergency Fund, Too

Emergency can strike your small business just as it can your personal life. Protect all you've worked for with a business emergency fund.

The 10 Commandments of Reaching Financial Freedom

We all want to reach financial freedom, but there are rules we need to follow in order to get there.

10 Signs Your Company Is Going Under

Has half the executive staff suddenly decided to make more time for family? Yeah, your company is doomed.

How Much Does It Cost to Keep a Cat?

A cat's true worth can't be measured in dollars...but that doesn't mean that your furry friends don't come with costs.

401K or IRA? You Need Both

You know you should have either a 401K or an IRA. Have you considered you might need both?

5 Common Habits of Retirement-Savvy Savers

Saving for retirement doesn't have to be hard. Follow in the footsteps of the savviest savers, and you'll be well on your way.

Getting Your Travel Rewards on the Ground

You've wrung every mile out of your frequent flyer program. Now wring every cent out of your other rewards programs for your hotel, rental car, and more.

Beginner's Guide to Reading a Stock Table

Getting stuck between the columns of a stock table? They're simpler than they look. Let's break down how to read one!

4 Things You Should Make Your Adult Child Pay For

The transition to adulthood is financially tricky. That doesn't mean parents should be bailing out their kids' every bill.

A Complete Guide to Saving at America's Baseball Stadiums

A night at the ballpark shouldn't leave you broke. No matter what stadium you're visiting, learn how to save cash while enjoying America's favorite pastime.