Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Finding an Internship as an Adult

Just because you're not in college doesn't mean you can't have an internship. And while the pay might not be great, the experience can be.

Book Talk On “The Offsite: A Leadership Challenge Fable”

The Offsite is a quirky quick read, a short novel by leadership consultant Robert H. Thompson. There are no talking animals or inanimate objects that adopt human characteristics a

Ask the Readers: How Do You Get Cool on a Budget?

Tell us how you get cool on a budget and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Funding your 401(k) when you're in debt

If there are two pieces of financial advice that get hammered more often than any others, they're "Get out of debt" and "Put enough in your 401(k) to get any corporate match." Wi

Best Money Tips: Stupid Things We Do When We're Poor

Today we found articles on stupid things we do when we're poor, conversational skills everyone should master, and ways to stretch your summer travel budget.

Gardening in a Group: 6 Tips

The new White House garden is definitely a joint effort: it's 1,100 square feet that will be tended not only by members of the White House grounds staff but will involve students f

Modern companies as specialized venture capital firms

In the old days, companies actually produced stuff. They invented it, designed it, made it, marketed it, and sold it. Although there are still some companies like that, they'r

9 Reasons Your IT Person Is a Super Hero

Every company has an IT person and that person is probably taken for granted. See why these pros are actually superheroes, saving you more than you know.

Best Money Tips: Easy Ways to Prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder

Today we found articles on easy ways to prevent seasonal affective disorder, how to save big on things you’re already buying, and things you can carve that aren’t pumpkins.

How Men and Women Use Smartphones Differently

The genders may be equal, but their smart phone usage may not be.  Here are some of our findings on the topic, taken from our recent article at My Life Sco

Reality TV: Does It Pay to Apply?

Reality television has exploded in recent years with top stars bringing in large sums for their exploits. You may not have eight kids or live in New Jersey, but what if you’d like

5 Financial Mistakes That Won't Hurt Your Credit Score

It might feel like every little money misstep gets reported to the credit bureaus, but sometimes, you're in the clear (at least with the bureaus).

7 More Quick Tips and Tricks for Better Posture

Improve your posture with a few simple exercises, stretches, and habit changes.

9 Cheapest Dates That Don't Seem So Cheap

Dinner and a movie is piricey (and also kind of played). Get creative for a romantic night out that's affordable, fun, and feels expensive!

My 5 Favorite Funny Christmas Gifts

Let me help you get a jump on shopping for Christmas 2011: Here are some of my favorite frugal and funny gifts from this year.

Best Money Tips: How to Quit Your Day Job

Today, we share the steps to take when you want to quit your job, a recipe for homemade Bisquick mix, and a cheap way to deep-clean your eyeglasses.

Best Money Tips: Secrets to Save Money on Gas

Today we found some amazing articles on secrets to save money on gas, things you'll be proud of doing, and things you are likely paying too much for.

8 Problems You Can Solve With $20

If you've got $20 burning a hole in your pocket, don't blow it on coffee! You can solve some common (and uncommon) problems.

12 Ways to Have a No-Spend Holiday Season

Refocus your holiday spirit on time well spent with friends and family this year and Santa won't won't get the better of your budget again.

It's Time to Drop These 6 Rules of Money Etiquette

Sometimes old-fashioned etiquette is nice, but when it comes to money, sometimes it's completely out of step.