Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

Best Money Tips: Make Free Phone Calls Online

Today we found some great articles on how to make free phone calls online, tips to supercharge your body, mind, and soul, and the best times to buy certain items.

5 Ways to Save Money on Everyday Expenses

From groceries to insurance, our regular expenses are often where we waste the most cash. Follow these tips to cut down on costs.

4 Ways to Have a Better Day

Whether your day is annoying, infuriating, sad, frustrating, or just plain dumb, learn how you can turn it around.

Don't Let These 6 Common Job Traps Derail Your Career

The shine has worn off that once-loved job, but you can't just leave … right? Wrong.

5 Times You Should Never Use Your Company Credit Card

A business credit card is a big perk that comes with extra responsibility. Don't run afoul of your firm — or the authorities — through its misuse.

The 5 Craziest Career Shift Success Stories

Get inspired to make your big career move by the stories of these risky — and ultimately successful — leaps of faith to new working lives.

Making Progress: The Missing Link Between Management and Employees

Find out what one factor made workers the happiest and how management and employees can unite to create a better workplace.

16 Easy Ways to Save $100 This Month

Pay yourself an extra $100 this month (or any month) by paying attention to your spend and cutting back where it counts.

The 5 Best Epilators

Keeping your legs smooth and hair-free isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these epilators and you'll keep that stubborn stubble at bay.

How Your Small Business Can Survive the Recession

By most accounts, this is going to be a long recession, and we’re still on the downward slope. As a small business owner, you will be forced to make drastic moves to survive. As yo

What to Know When Renting a Moving Truck

Moving is already stressful. When you add in renting a big ol' truck, it can become downright nail-biting. Here's what you should know for your DIY move.

Save Money on Groceries With These Online Tools

From meal-planning websites to click-and-print coupons, use these online tools to help combat rising food prices.

Learn All the Frugal Skills You Need With These 9 Great Video Tutorials

The one with the most skills at the end wins. Add to your repertoire with this collection of essential frugal life skills.

Why You Need to Know the Difference Between Secured and Unsecured Debts

You have secured debt, and you have unsecured debt. Do you know the difference? It's time to learn.

The Paper Records You Need — And Those You Can Do Without

As a business owner, there are certain documents that you just have to have, but you can easily wind up with more files than you have room for. So how do you know what to get ri

30 Easy Ways to Go Green in the Office

Here are 30 easy ways to go green in the office, and often save money in the process.

Best Money Tips: How to Know When You're Ready to Retire

Today we found articles on how to know when you’re ready to retire, how to budget when you’re behind on your bills, and little things you should do every day before noon.

Health Care Reform Means Big Tax Changes

While health care reform aims to lower the cost of coverage, small business owners will likely see premium increases and higher tax costs. Here are some of the key provisions fr

Insurance Overview for Small Business Owners

Running your small business is a multi-faceted task, of which risk management plays a vital role. And insurance in turn is a crucial element to risk management.

How to Buy a BBQ Grill

For many, a summer night just isn't complete without a nice cut of meat sizzling on the grill. If you're looking into picking up a grill, here are some tips to help you buy.