Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

What to Know When Renting a Moving Truck

Moving is already stressful. When you add in renting a big ol' truck, it can become downright nail-biting. Here's what you should know for your DIY move.

The World's Most Expensive Waters

If you think the markup on regular bottled H2O is crazy, the prices of these luxury brands will blow you out of the...well, water.

6 Simple Ways to Market Your Side Business

Nobody will buy what you're selling if they don't know you're selling it. Jumpstart your side hustle with some easy and inexpensive marketing.

How to Get Free Accommodations (and Paid Jobs) on Boats

Want to travel with free accommodations, enjoy gorgeous ocean waters, and even get paid for it? You can — just work on a boat.

Learn Something New With These 9 Cheap Apps

Why not fill your down time with knowledge? Whatever you wanna know, learning something new won't cost much with these educational apps.

Don't Panic! How to Meet a Deadline

You can't cheat time; and hair pulling, sweating, and crying won't get it done, either. But you can meet a tight deadline with one or more of these tips.

Ask the Readers: What Are Your Favorite Dollar Store Buys?

Tell us about your favorite dollar store buys and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

10 Things to Do With Leftover Halloween Candy

Leftover Halloween candy can be a treat or an annoyance. If your kids came home with a huge stash, or you have many leftovers from your own home, the tummy aches can put a kibosh o

How to Fix Your Finances After Missing a Payment

No one is immune to financial blunders. If you miss a payment or bounce a check, don't worry — you can fix it.

Big List of Things to be Happy About

When life gets frustrating, challenging, or just plain annoying, it helps remember (and celebrate) these little joys.

10 Ways to Save on a Long-Distance Move

When you're moving a long distance, you can't just buy a pizza and a 12-pack and ask your friends to pitch in. Here's how to save on a cross-country move.

Find the Investing Style That's Right for You

Risk and reward go hand in hand, but how do you pick the investment strategy for your needs? Brush up on the basics before you buy.

15 Frugal and Natural Ways to Fight Acne

Keep your skin clean, fresh, and blemish-free with these natural ingredients and practices that won't harm the environment of your face — nor your wallet.

5 Airlines With the Best Customer Service

Air travel is the worst, right? With these top flight airlines, it's actually pretty nice!

12 Words You Need to Delete From Your Resume Right Now

HR staffers see a lot of resumes — and a lot of cliches, tired idioms, and lazy skill descriptions in them. Make your resume memorable by cutting these awful words.

How to Buy Art as Gifts

Beautiful, original pieces of art make for excellent gifts, and they don't have to be expensive. Learn how to find the right one for your loved one at a price you can afford.

Kick-Ass Alternatives to Canned Cranberry Sauce

Canned cranberry sauce is lame. Here are six ways to shine up that holiday staple, from chutney to booze-spiked berries to tart-cherry sauce.

Does Skill Really Matter in Stock Market Investing?

Some claim a successful investment portfolio is pure luck. Others say it's skill. Which is it?

Best Money Tips: Hosting a Budget-Friendly Holiday Party

Today we found some great articles on planning holiday parties on the cheap, foods that boost your immunity, and saving money on your next car.

What to Expect After These 5 Personal Financial Disasters

When a financial crisis hits, it helps to know exactly what to expect — and how to bounce back.