Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Homemade Baking Mixes That Save Money and Time

Nothing beats homemade cakes and breads, but who has the time? Pre-mix your dry ingredients, store, and bake later in a jiffy.

6 Times You Need to Update Your Will

If you have a will, you're already ahead of the curve. But you need to make sure it's updated, too.

8 Ways Retirees Can Spring Clean Their Finances

You're retired, but that doesn't mean your finances are. Take some time this spring to spruce up your money.

How to Erase Your Medical Debt

As most of you know, the cost of healthcare in the United States is outrageous! [more]

25 Great Non-Sandwich Work Lunches

The next time you're packing lunch, leave the bread at home — instead, try one of these delicious and fun non-sandwich meals.

15 Easy to Keep New Year's Resolutions That Really Pay Off

New Year's resolutions are really hard to keep. But these are actually pretty easy, and totally worth the effort.

7 Frugal Fall Decoration Tips

Soon enough autumn will bring the chill. Warm up your home in the cool months ahead with some frugal fall crafts.

Can You Buy Your Way Out of the Rat Race?

If you're tracking your spending, you know how much money it takes to live on. If you're tracking your investments, you know about how much return you're getting from your capital.

How to Buy Art as Gifts

Beautiful, original pieces of art make for excellent gifts, and they don't have to be expensive. Learn how to find the right one for your loved one at a price you can afford.

Prepaid Cards About to Get Safer and Better

New consumer protection rules for prepaid cards will help protect you from theft, fraud, and unreasonable fees.

The 5 Best Reusable Straws

Finding drinking straws worth keeping isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these reusable straws and your drinks will always be ready to sip.

Dilutions of Grandeur: Stretch Your Food at Every Meal

Learn how the power of creative diluting can make your meals taste better and extend your food budget.

How to Successfully Negotiate Everything With Your Kid

Negotiation is a key financial skill many of us don't learn until we're adults. Here's how to teach your kids the basics.

Ask the Readers: What's the Most Extreme Thing You've Done to Save Money?

Tell us about the most extreme thing you've done to save money and we'll enter you in a drawing to win a $20 Amazon Gift Card!

Build a Cable to Control Your Android Phone While You Drive

The music app on my Nexus One starts and stops randomly when a standard stereo plug is plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack. I did a bit of research and decided that I could solve

This Interview Technique Will Get You Hired

Don't let your next job interview become another tale about the one that got away. Use this key technique to present the most employable you.

Watch All The Documentary Movies You Can Handle, Free Online - And Yes, It's Legal.

So you love watching movies for free, and you also love getting instant access to them. Well, if those movies happen to be documentaries, there is a great free online resource for

23 Frugal Living Resolutions Anyone Can Master

As the Champagne pops and the confetti flies, why not make some resolutions you can really keep this year?

Are We Headed Toward a Bull or Bear Market?

The stock market's movements are anybody's guess, but a few key factors can hint at either a bull or a bear.

10 Jobs That Robots Can't Do, Yet

It seems like every day, robots take over more jobs. But for now, these career fields are safe.