Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

10 Ways to Improve Your Decision-Making Skills

Whether it's something as big as a career move or as small as what you're having for dinner, follow these tips to help make great decisions.

Your stimulus check is on its way!

Wow. I guess pigs may just fly after all. Because, believe it or not, the goverment is actually paying out the economic stimulus checks ahead of schedule. And that means you could

4 Reasons You Should Splurge on Experiences, Not Things

Stop wasting your money on cluttery stuff that wears out too soon. Invest it instead on experiences you'll remember now — and forever.

Tactics of the rich

There are things the rich do that working class and middle class folks don't. Some of them--living off the return on capital rather than wages or salary--are only available to the

Pesky Pests: Easy Homemade Mosquito and Insect Traps and Repellent

Keep those insects, ants, wasps, rodents, and other creepy crawlies at bay with these easy homemade recipes.

Using Times New Roman on Your Résumé Is Like Wearing Sweatpants to an Interview

First impressions matter, especially on a resume. What does your choice of font say about you?

The 5 Best Reusable Straws

Finding drinking straws worth keeping isn't easy, but it can be. Use any of these reusable straws and your drinks will always be ready to sip.

Dilutions of Grandeur: Stretch Your Food at Every Meal

Learn how the power of creative diluting can make your meals taste better and extend your food budget.

9 Places to Go to Beat the Summer Heat

From pools to libraries and much more, stay cool without raising your electric bill by visiting one of these inexpensive (or free!) spots.

10 Fruits and Veggies That Stay Fresh a Month or Longer

Produce that perishes before meal prep wastes food and money. Go ahead and stock up on these crisper staples — they'll be ready when you are.

How to Successfully Negotiate Everything With Your Kid

Negotiation is a key financial skill many of us don't learn until we're adults. Here's how to teach your kids the basics.

Build a Cable to Control Your Android Phone While You Drive

The music app on my Nexus One starts and stops randomly when a standard stereo plug is plugged into the 3.5mm headphone jack. I did a bit of research and decided that I could solve

How to Save Money on Kids' Activities

Balancing all of your kids' activities can be stressful — and expensive. Start getting creative about saving while your kids get creative about fun!

Are We Headed Toward a Bull or Bear Market?

The stock market's movements are anybody's guess, but a few key factors can hint at either a bull or a bear.

5 Lucrative Climate Change Investments That Can Help Save the World

Can you save the environment and take care of your personal finances at the same time? Yes, you can. Here's how.

Why It Pays to Wait Before Applying for a New Rewards Card

Before a sweet perk convinces you to apply for another rewards credit card, you might want to wait for some even better ones.

47 Free Things to Do Across the U.S.

See the country without putting a dent in your budget by checking out these fabulous and free activities all over the U.S.

10 Money Moments That Are Awkward for Everyone

Ever forget your wallet on a date? Believe it or not, there's a graceful way out of that awkward moment and these nine others, too.

4 Questions to Ask Before Getting a Credit Increase

Before you ask your credit card provider for a limit increase, take the time to ask yourself a few questions, too.

5 Signs You're Ready to Sell Your House

The housing market is red-hot. But are you truly ready to sell?