Hot Today

Wise Bread articles that are hot today.

9 Bizarre Money Superstitions People Actually Believe

These money superstitions might sound unbelievable, but there are actually people who believe them!

Beat the Clock with Frugal and Simple Valentine's Day Ideas

Americans will shell out more than $15 billion for Valentine's Day gifts this year, but you don't have to empty your pockets to have a romantic day.

7 Ways to Pick the Bank That's Right for You

With so many banks — and credit unions! — vying for your business, it can be hard to choose. Here's how to find the bank that works for you.

Why Taking Social Security Could Cost You Thousands

Now that Social Security offers early retirement, it's tempting to take the money and run. Before you do, understand how much you're giving up.

6 Money Moves to Make After Buying Your First House

You bought your first home! Now you need to take a few steps to immediately to protect your finances.

Not Just Some Junk in a Box

Ditch the stigma — box wine can be delicious, elegant, AND frugal!

Here's How Rich You'd Be If You Stopped Smoking

It's advice that bears repeating again and again — it's time to quit smoking. Your health, and your savings, will thank you.

How to Do Less — and Why You Should

If getting things done is so important, why does doing nothing feel so good? Discover how to do less — and become happier and more productive.

10 frugal things to try before you die (updated)

Well, I say frugal but some of these cross that line from frugality into something less honorable. But hey, live a little. We all have to try new things sometimes. [more]

10 Easy Veggies to Plant This Spring

Yes, you CAN grow your own food. These easy-to-grow herbs and vegetables will thrive even if you've got the blackest of thumbs.

4 Questions You Must Ask at Your Next Job Interview

At most job interviews, candidates will have an opportunity to ask their own questions. Be prepared with questions that flush out job details and demonstrate your value.

9 Old Kitchen Tools You Can Flip for Cash

What's hiding in the back of your kitchen drawers and cabinets? Cash, that's what.

You CAN Earn More Money — Here's How

Making more money doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. Learn how you can start picking up side gigs today.

The 5 Best Camping Sleeping Pads

Maintaining comfort while camping doesn't have to be difficult. Get any of these sleeping pads and you'll get a restful night's sleep under the stars.

Is "Health Food" Worse for You than Junk Food?

Health food isn't necessarily as good for you as you'd expect it to be. In fact, it might be those "healthy" foods that are ultimately making you fat.

Are You Saving Too Much Money?

Is there such a thing as too much savings? Let's find out.

5 Questions to Ask Before Signing Up for a New Credit Card

Getting a new credit might mean more rewards, or just a better utilization ratio. Just be sure you understand the ins and outs before you sign.

The World's 4 Biggest Credit Card Scams

Credit card scammers never rest. Learn about four of the most notorious credit card scams — and what you can do to protect you and your credit.

16 Home Purchases for Under $10 That Are Well Worth the Money

Sometimes being frugal is about making do. These 16 home essentials will make your life easier — and none of them cost more than 10 bucks.

7 Personal Finance Tips for Animal Lovers

We love our pets — too much sometimes — and it can cost us plenty. Get smart about caring for Fido and keep him from tearing a hole in your budget.